This week brought another mini content patch, returning to the Forbidden Reach. Returning to the Forbidden Reach? I was never there to begin with!
Reached the last real goalpost this week, Wutteät went past 2k rating. And the air went out of the balloon after that. Keys I have done with both Wutteät and Esmënet have increasingly been prone to being bricked. Toxicity, especially during harder pug weeks like this, from people that dont seem to understand things that aren't big pulls = better parse increases. Enjoyment goes down.
Combine that with the fact that the m+ dungeon pools will be gone next season, so no real reason to stick around and learn a bit more. I played all the specs last expansion so alts (besides as profession dummies) has lost the appeal. Nearly my entire friends list has left the game, there were something like 8 times the people in closed D4 beta last weekend than on WoW, assume the ratio will be even higher this weekend.
I will not say "I am now quitting" but will be interesting to see how many more weeks of the season I will blog about, and how much I will do. I am going to try to take a break again, and try other stuff like Diablo 4 beta and some other escapism options out there.
I write this on march 23rd (a thursday) - so this will be the next statistic project here, how long will my season 1 Dragonflight break be compared to the Shadowlands and BFA "breaks"? :)
Wutteät reaching 2k score as the third of the three Season 1 characters, with a margin of 3 seconds...
Highest key completed this week, the first time this season it wasn't Dominator.
Character Summaries
Dominator [Social Dungeon Tank Progress Character]
Human Paladin [Level 70]
Weekly activities:
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Protection
Professions: Enchanting 75/100 [-] (Enchantment: 90 - Insight of the Blue: 85 - Rods, Runes & Ruses: 10) - Alchemy 100/100 (Phial Mastery: 55 - Potion Mastery: 55 - Alchemical Theory: 50) - Cooking 90/100 [-] - Fishing 100/100.
iLevel/PvP iLevel: 411 [+1] (4 set) / 405 [-]
m+ Score: 2324 [-]
Valor spent/earned: 8850/9900 [-]
Conquest spent/earned: 0/1320 [-]
Solo shuffle rating: -
Raid progress: -
Wutteät [Personal Dungeon Tank Progress Character]
Night Elf Demon Hunter [Level 70]
Weekly activities:
5 m+ dungeons (1x +15, 2x +14s, 2x +13s) [+1 bricked]
Profession Quests
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Vengeance
Professions: Skinning 100/100 (Tanning: 40 - Harvesting: 40 - Bait Crafter: 35) - Leatherworking 90/100 [-] (Leatherworking Discipline: 60 - Leather Armor Crafting: 50 - Primordial Leatherworking: 60) - Fishing 53/100 [-] - Cooking 74/100 [-]
iLevel/PvP iLevel: 407 [+2] (4 set) / 411 [-]
m+ Score: 2003 [+52]
Valor spent/earned: 13 050/13 100 [-]
Conquest spent/earned: 590/1720 [-]
Solo shuffle rating: 192 [-] (Vengeance)
Raid Progress: 1/8 LFR (as Havoc) [-]
Esmënet [Dungeon/PVP DPS Progress Character]
Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter [Level 70]
Weekly activitites:
4 m+ Dungeons (3x +16s, +1x 15s)
Accord/Profession Quests/Reach Unlock
2x Brawls & 1 Epic Battleground (1-0 W/L)
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Beast Mastery
Professions: Herbalism 100/100 (Bountiful Harvests: 70 - Botany: 80 - Mastering the Elements: 40) - Mining 100/100 (Mining Process: 100 - Metallurgy: 40 - Mastering the Elements: 50) - Fishing 23/100 [-] - Cooking 35/100 [-]
iLevel/PVP iLevel: 405 [-] (4 set)/ 424 [-] (4 set)
m+ Score: 2129 [-]
Valor spent/earned: 14 100/14 900 [+800]
Conquest spent/earned: 8 450/8 805 [+300]
Solo Shuffle rating: 975 [-]
Raid Progress: 8/8 LFR Vault of the Incarnates.
Rank Log
Esmënet: 65 [+28] (Did 19 dungeons from last cutoff to this for a bunch of score, hence the jump.)
Wutteät: 20 [+1] (Did 3 dungeons for a tiny bit of score before cutoff.)
Dominator: 17 [-1] (Did 4 dungeons, for a very minor score increase before cutoff.)
Alt Log
Serwaswathan, Draenei Mage (Level 70 Unknown, Crafter [Blacksmith/Jewelcrafting], iLevel 392 [4 set])
Adagabo, Night Elf Druid (Level 70 Week 8, Gatherer [Herbalism], iLevel 377)
Iwaz, Draenei Warrior (Level 70 Week 10, Gatherer [Mining], iLevel 363)
HKs Log
185 265 [+63]