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Working towards my goal

It's Wednesday morning, and we're looking back at a week with nice and manageable afflixes, and I am a bit sad that we didn't have time...

BfA update

As I mentioned in my last blog entry, I haven't played a lot of BfA the last month, but there are some changes, though. Krissie is now in...

Completing mythic pluses in time

There has been so much to do in the game after patch 8.2 hit, and doing mythic pluses have, for a while now, been more about completing a...

Our first Heroic Warfront

Heroic warfronts are finally a thing. The reward for doing a normal Stromgarde warfront, is a 370-item, so those haven't been worth doing...

On top!

I just needed to screenshot this, because it's probably the first and the last time this will ever happen to me, buuut... Which shadow...

An amazing WoW day!

Today was such a great day. It started out with getting my Heart of Azeroth to level 55, which means I get to use both a major and a...

Trying Beguiling for the first time

Yay, the new mythic plus season is here! Going from mastering +15s, to struggling a lot with a +11, seems a bit weird, but there are a...

Azshara's Eternal Palace

I think it's been a couple of months since I last set foot in a raid dungeon, but with the new patch and the release of a whole new raid...

Our first Operation: Mechagon run

Season 3 started Wednesday, and with that the new 5-man megadungeon, Operation: Mechagon opened. We were eager to get in there and see...

Goodbye, Reaping

Last night we did our last ever mythic plus with Reaping. It's a bit sad. I think I'm going to miss that affix. Season 3 begins today,...

Completing our first +15 in time

On Sunday we had a few nice runs, where we ended up completing a +14 Snek in time, so last night we wanted to get our +15 key done, which...

Keystone Conqueror

Krissie got a new achievement on Sunday! We started out doing +15 Kings' Rest, and then went on to do a +13 Shrine of the Storm. This was...

Pretty pictures

Here are some pretty pictures I've taken lately.

Shrine is fine

Wow, this week turned out better than I had dared to hope, and Krissie has ended up with a score of 1300. I improved my score...

Mythic plus night

Yesterday was a really good mythic plus night! We have been doing mythic pluses with the same group a couple of times now. I really like...

Mythic fun with guildies

Last night was a good night for mythic pluses. Krissie had a +14 keystone in her bags, since she completed a +15 Underrot last week, and...

Yay, it's dungeon week!

Well, OK, every week is dungeon week if you're me, but the Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Event started today, which means we need to do four...

Sunday runs

It's been a nice, relaxed weekend. We've mostly been focusing on lower mythic pluses for our alts, but last night we had some fun runs on...

My first +14 in BfA

Anyone who knows me, knows that my favourite thing in WoW is to do mythic pluses. I could do them all day every day, but I think I'm...

Jaina Proudmoore down!

For a few weeks now, we have struggled to get Mekkatorque down, and as soon as we did, we chose to extend the lockout. The week after, we...

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