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Shadowlands Season 3 Character Summary

So this is the last "proper" week of the season, and I guess that makes next week post-season. What characters ended up being hits in a...

Shadowlands Season 3 Week 12: Science

This week had the last set of the affix rotation: Fortified - Sanguine - Grievous - Encrypted. This is one of those really good weeks "in...

Shadowlands Season 3 Week 11: Valor Uncapped

Blizzard copied last season, and uncapped valor and conquest this week. Resulting in a mad influx of 270-something characters competing...

Ghoset & Navarim Project (Week 6)

This week the shadowlands dungeon event stopped by again. Affixes were Fortified - Bolstering - Quacking - Tormented. Not a horrible set...

Ghoset & Navarim Project (Week 5)

Legion timewalking had come to an end for now. So m+ was once again pure Shadowlands, with more dungeons in the lfg. The weekly event was...

Ghoset & Navarim Project (Week 4)

More timwalking this week, with Burning Crusade on top of the Legion ongoing stuff. Affixes were Fortified-Inspiring-Grievous. Which is...

Ghoset & Navarim Project (Week 3)

This week had the Legion timewalking and world quest weekly events. M+ affixes were Tyrannical/Raging/Volcanic which I consider to be top...

Ghoset & Navarim Project (Week 2)

This week had Legion timewalking ongoing and Arena Skirmishes event. None of which were of particular use to these characters. Ghoset the...

The new project

Since the "play every spec in the game in a key in one season" goal is done, it's on to the next thing. I have always wondered about if I...

Mimara and Other Alts (end)

Mimara Status Spec: Protection Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 4) iLevel: 212 [Haste: 16% / Versatility: 15%] Legendary: Holy Avenger's Engraved...

Mimara and other alts (2)

The last couple of weeks has been kinda slow on main again, so my alts ended up being played more than main - as in all of them had more...

Mimara and other alts (1)

Since the amount of content for max level characters is either gated or very grindy with no real carrot at the end, I have started to...

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