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Dragonflight Season 1 Recap

With the image-problem at the end of season 1, I never actually got around for a season 1 recap post, so here is a very late one. Played...

Dragonflight Season 2 Recap

With no posts for a season, here's a summary instead... :) Another season of encountering every spec. I don't know any Ret Palas, Shadow...

Shadowlands Season 3 Character Summary

So this is the last "proper" week of the season, and I guess that makes next week post-season. What characters ended up being hits in a...

Shadowlands Season 3 Week 10: Changes

This week's moment was this +5 NW pug on my newly leveled to 60 horde paladin, Viator. The healer alt-f4ed on first boss, never came back...

Alt 2 Completed: Adagabo

The second alt to hit the goals was perhaps a bit more surprising than the first. In season 1 it was the goal to make a norwegian potato...

Mimara and Other Alts (end)

Mimara Status Spec: Protection Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 4) iLevel: 212 [Haste: 16% / Versatility: 15%] Legendary: Holy Avenger's Engraved...

Mimara and other alts (2)

The last couple of weeks has been kinda slow on main again, so my alts ended up being played more than main - as in all of them had more...

Adagabo, 1 month into season 1

Also known as The Alt. I was pretty stoked about playing more druid after the expansion dropped since it seemed like all specs were...

My Shadowlands Season 1 Plans/Goals

So I have messed about on a bunch of my characters and done a bunch of content... And can revise my pre-Shadowlands plan a bit. To this....

Shadowlands by Night (2 weeks in)

So after the initial rush of Shadowlands release, I slowed down some and leveled up my mage and did some dungeons. And some m0s on my DH....

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