The time has come. To take the usual break. I don't feel motivated to make the time sacrifices to wow right now. Wow is not a game I like to play now and then. Cause of my fear of not being good enough, I feel that I have to keep pushing to not let people down. The last few weeks I haven't really had the drive to do so. I have been struggeling with finding both the time and energy to do as much as I'd like. Last week I did one dungeon and downed one HC boss.
The dungeon was a half-pug that did not leave me hungry for more. The HC boss was the next to last boss. We did several pulls on the last boss in the raid with the guild. But after careful consideration, they have decided to set the progression on pause. Because we do not have the required dps to reach each phase fast enough. We need more gear to be able to do so.
My opinions of Dragonflight
There is much I liked with this expansion. The theme fits my heart. The class reworks with the new talents are a breath of fresh air. New dungeons and new raids are always fun. And the possibility to change the talents for free most of the time is a big quality of life change.
I think I am one of the very few that did not enjoy dragon riding that much. Limiting an entire expansion to just four mounts, and not being able to use flight form, is just not what I wanted. Yes you can customise them a bit, but it's not really that interesting.
I did not like the focus on professions either. Never really liked professions. And this time around you needed to read a doctor thesis to understahd what you should do.
Another thing that I think has been worse in Dragonflight than Shadowlands, is the amount of bugs. It was a horrible start, and there has been some bugs that has not been fixed for a while. I feel that Shadowlands were more polished. For instance, the evoker's empowered spells are so buggy that it is irritating, and sometimes even dangerous when healing.
Drachtyr evoker
I love the dracthyr. How it looks and how it feels to play. Double jumping has saved me countless times. The special dracthyr staff from the raid was also super duper fun to play with! I do like both the dragon and the human for. But I do not like the limited transmog options.
Playing as the new healer, preservation, has been super fun for me! I love how you can play around with the different spells, trying out which combos that works. It has its strenght and weaknesses to play around. The ability to get your party from low to full in a short time, but struggling a bit on continous incoming damage when you're out of cooldowns (oposite of the resto druid).
It feels a little bit too punished on some fights because of the short range, but feel very powerful when people are stacked. It is easy to do damage while healing as a preservation evoker. You don't have to use a lot of gcds to change between forms, and the buttons you press do damage right away. You don't have to commit to damage or healing, but can do a little bit of both, depending on the situation. If you struggle with mana, you can even spec one of your damage spells to leech mana.
I am unfortunately not a very big fan of devastation. It can be fun bursting things down, but it feels more of a class that is good at padding, than a class that is actually helpful. I don't like the way their mastery works. Doing high damage at the start, and low at the end. It is always towards the end you need extra power.
The survivability of devastation is very low. When I am preservation, I am able to keep myself alive with my healing, but devastation does not have enough. It was easier for me to solo elites as my newly leveled affliction lock, than as a heroic raid geared devastation evoker.
I have not played that much druid this expansion. Maybe because I played it so much in Shadowlands. Resto druid is mostly the same as in Shadowlands. After playing preservation, the resto druid just feels slow and clunky to play. Balance druid has changed a bit. It's dots are more important now, which means that it is a even less bursty class than it used to. I do love that they have gotten two new spells that adds to the class fantasy. Mushrooms and fairy dragons!
The first iteration of the affliction talent tree was very bad. So many spells to cast, so many debuffs to track and keep up in a short window. Even with all this juggling, the spec did very low single target damage. It has had an update, and is in a much better state now. If I was to pick a main at this point, I might have tried it again. But I'm still a bit worried, since it seems Blizzard likes to make the spec unplayable from time to time. As long as one of the warlock specs are on top, they don't care about the others.
Most fun spec
The picture at the bottom is from this bloggpost