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Timed my first 15 this week!

This week had Warlords timewalking as weekly event. The dungeons have started to become quite familiar at this point. The scaling was overtuned in the US at reset, but it was then fixed to be undertuned before I did them. Just seems like a feature that is really hard to get just right?

The affixes were Tyrannical - Raging - Storming. Storming seems to have changed to spawn on players, which makes it very different if there's a lot of ranged players in the group, but not that different if everyone is clumped up. Raging can be bad with big pulls, but dungeons aren't really dense this season so rarely do massive pulls. There's the odd mob that REALLY needs to be soothed (like the Pools named guy before first boss and the drakes in the same dungeon) but it feels less obligatory to have soothers here than in BFA or SL.

Lesson of the week was that they have changed score for m+ this season, which as gone under my radar. It has been mentioned to me that every key level over 10 is worth 2 points more to offset the scaling or something, but I have not been able to discern exactly how the math works. So to get KSM it looks like you wouldnt have to time any 15s at all...

Another point made this week is how badly balanced dps specs seems to be. Tanks seems to be reasonably balanced at the key levels I do, healers less so, but dps specs are so wildly different? No obvious godmodes like in SL, more like some are just really bad. And then they do tuning based on raid performance...

Personal Progress


Wutteät did a full set of +5s/+6s again. It was a bit hoary at times, especially Azure Vaults and Nokhud Offensive can be a bit touchy in pugs as some bosses require everyone do contribute instead of pugs hoping someone else will fix the mechanics while they zone out and do rotation. But no runs with leavers!

Esmënet did a set of +5s/+6s too. Managed to deplete the Azure Vaults run, when the tank got knocked off a platform and somehow triggered the adds the whelps activate... That then proceeded to teleport around in the instance to kill him when he spawned, then rest of group waiting before the second to last boss. Then randomly ganked one person while they were running back to the boss... I wonder if they will be able to recreate that bug :D


Wutteät could choose between and a weapon and something crappy, so I snap picked so fast I forgot to take a screenshot. The vault iLevel is not very impressive to say the least after they nerfed the early vault so much in the expansion, but Dom isn't getting things that cant be upgraded with valor either so there's that.

Esmënet got a tier pvp chest, while the m+ vault had tier legs. Was a tough choice this time, but pvp pieces still wins. Especially since I am starting to tire of Solo Shuffle, so the amount of weeks I will have left of getting PvP loot in vault is dwindling.


Besides the world quest races, completed another gold set. Slow going, I am stalling to avoid running out of dragonriding to progress...

Pet Battles

Questline: On the quests "Tamers: Eastern Kingdom" & "Tamers: Kalimdor". [No progress]

# of pets: 511 [+8]

# of level 25 pets: 3

PvP pet battle win/loss: 0-0

Modest pet battles week again, but the pet leveling led me to places where I haven't caught many pets so the quantity rather than the quality got a bump.

Next reset is pet battle week, so need to prio some pet leveling for once.


Spent most of my profession time working on alchemy since I wanted to recraft the alchemy trinket. Got enough gear this week so I didn't feel the need to rush out a lesser quality upgrade, so this will try to funnel that profession for now. Ore and herbs are not the problem at the moment, but the elemental stuff. Awakened Air most of all.

Mining (Esmënet): 100

Mining Process: 35

Metallurgy: 20

Herbalism (Esmënet): 100

Bountiful Harvests: 40

Botany: 40

Blacksmithing (Serwaswathan): 32

Armorsmithing: 15

Jewelcrafting (Serwaswathan): 33

Setting: 15

Skinning (Wutteät): 100

Tanning: 10

Harvesting: 25

Leatherworking (Wutteät): 58

Leatherworking Discipline: 15

Leather Armor Crafting : 20

Alchemy (Dominator): 65

Phial Mastery: 55

Enchanting (Dominator): 56

Enchantment: 65

Cooking (Dominator): 58

Fishing (Dominator): 100

Tailoring (Navarim): 37

Garmentcrafting: 15

Inscription (Navarim): 25

Achiving: 0.


This was the week my newfound love for pvp came to an abrupt end. I have already said something about how most actual matches has started to feel the same, and that has not changed. It would be alright if that was the only complaint. But this week I started by winning the first two matches, and then got to 1199 rating, 1 short of being able to upgrade all my pvp stuff. And then I got to meet the exploit tryhards.

Currently there is a thing that if you leave a match, you lose current rating and will not be able to queue for 15 minutes or so. But you will NOT lose MMR. So there's a thing a lot of people do, which is to play until they see they are not gonna win, and then leave the game. And keep doing that until they win, and only complete those matches.

After getting to 1199 I was in two matches I would have gotten at least 3 wins, but people left. Then I had one game where one healer was active for 3 rounds, then afked the last 3. Guess which games I had with that healer. Then I was in another game with a leaver, before I had the JOY of being in a protection paladin game (they get sorted as healers, and only against each other it seems), with the other dps having lots of self heal. Then I had one match where I was the weak link and got picked on for a 0-6 match, which was fair enough. And since I actually finished those games, I lost 300 mmr, and went down hundreds of personal rating afterwards.

The actual rating is not that big a deal (except missing that 1 point that one time), but what it does with time spent on getting a game that provides conquest, honor to earn vault slots and spending energy on playing high intensity WoW only to have a load of people just crash it, since it's the smart thing to do just saps the fun out of it. I spent as much time on getting just those weekly matches in that I did on doing 23 keystones this week.

I've seen Blizzard was aware of this potential problem before release, and did nothing. But it has become so commonplace now they are "fixing" it next reset by making people lose mmr too now for leaving, and threatening bans if repeatedly do it. But will have to see if people just start afking instead or choose some other method to not properly play the game...

So going back to conquest capping in epic bgs and stop doing shuffle seems to be the future if this keeps happening.


Esmënet did the second wing of LFR Vault. I have no recollection of anything, besides a spider that gave me a frosty mordor feel. Maybe I am missing out on proper content, and maybe not...

Social Progress


23 iLevel Helm upgrade for Dominator from the Vault. No complaints.

Casual Playmates

I missed the casual keys again, but got some timewalking in with friends, which was nice.

Hamsterwheel Playmates

I got a session in with both the ex-HoSG (including Lava) and TH-related people. Groups have become more erratic, with very little going on until a surge in interest the last two days of the reset. When doing content in a group, it's not really strange it gets erratic when the honeymoon part of the expansion wears off, but this seemed kinda early?

An observation about the "casual" and "hamsterwheel" is that the lines are really thin in how I interpret them at this point. In general casual would be that someone logs on a few hours a week and doesn't really think about the game outside those hours. While hamsterwheel is someone that tryhards, plays a lot and is up to date with what they should do and how they should do it. The ex-HoSG group has a few that are in that group, while the TH-related groups like most Curve-aiming guilds I guess falls between the distinctions. Perhaps it's my need to hat people that just likes to think about this. And what the hamsterwheel truly is...

Character Summaries

Dominator [Social Dungeon Tank Progress Character]

Human Paladin [Level 70]

Dom did the usual dragonspear, community feast, accord and mythic plus bits. And timewalking this week. Got a couple of decent upgrades to bring me over 390, but still miles after people that raid.

Also did some dragonriding, professions and pet battles to progress in those areas.

Getting somewhere with the renown has proven to be the biggest hurdle. Except the dragonriding world quests and the profession quests, I never really get around to doing other world content once Accord weekly is done. Part of that is that I am doing something like double the anticipated keys a week, due to playing with the TH-related people that was off the table when I decided on the expansion projects. The world content is gonna be there all expansion though, so there is no hurry.

Character Stats

Guild: House of Small Gods

Main spec: Protection


Professions: Enchanting 56/100 [-] - Alchemy 65/100 [+19] - Cooking 58/100 [-] - Fishing 100/100.

iLevel/PvP iLevel: 391 [+3] / 405 [-]

m+ Score: 1776 [+201]

Valor spent/earned: 2000/3750 [+750]

Conquest spent/earned: 0/1035 [-]

Solo shuffle rating: -

Raid progress: -

Wutteät [Personal Dungeon Tank Progress Character]

Night Elf Demon Hunter [Level 70]

Did the usual rotation of dragonspear, community cooking, accord, profession quests and m+. Also did Timewalking this week.

Character not exactly pushed, and will get buffed when the class tuning patch comes. Going to save valor and sparks until I start doing +10s, and fill in gear holes.

Still maintaining discipline.

Character Stats

Guild: House of Small Gods

Main spec: Vengeance


Professions: Skinning 100/100 - Leatherworking 58/100 [-] - Fishing 51/100 [+51] - Cooking 1 [+1]

iLevel/PvP iLevel: 383 [+3] / 411 [-]

m+ Score: 1082 [+94]

Valor spent/earned: 0/3750 [+750]

Conquest spent/earned: 590/1370 [-]

Solo shuffle rating: 192 [-] (Vengeance)

Esmënet [Dungeon/PVP DPS Progress Character]

Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter [Level 70]

Same whole open world routine as Dom and Wutte. Set of 5/6s for m+. Conquest capped exclusively through Solo Shuffle, and farmed a boatload of mats while dealing with the exploit situation to actually get something from the games. Also did the new LFR wing. And the timewalking weekly event.

Got the pvp tier chest and bought pvp gloves with conquest which also upped my pve ilevel, but neither the m+ dungeons nor the timewalking box gave me any upgrades. Was a bad loot week besides the vault for all characters...

Character Stats

Guild: House of Small Gods

Main spec: Beast Mastery


Professions: Herbalism 100/100 [+5] - Mining 100/100 [+10].

iLevel/PVP iLevel: 381 [+3] / 415 [+1]

m+ Score: 978. [+217]

Valor spent/earned: 0/3750 [+750].

Conquest spent/earned: 2500/3000 [+550]

Solo Shuffle rating: 966 [-99]

Raid Progress: 6/8 LFR Vault of the Incarnates. [+3]

Rank log

Esmënet dropped another 2 spots, meaning the influx of active hunters is growing still. Guess there's a lot of hunter alts out there... This should drop Esmënet out of top 100 next week if this keeps going.

Wutteät advanced 2 spots which was a bit surprising since the rating gain was so small. Unlike hunters, I guess VDH is NOT a popular alt to have. Curious if I will start climbing again so fast, while still going so slow...

Dominator also advanced one spot. That's what not having any good tyrannical scores with a depleted 10 as best that turns into a timed 9 as worst in one reset. However, there's a lot of untapped score - SBG especially - so a lot of room to grow later weeks.

Random Weekly Thoughts

Week 6 and people's activity keep dwindling. At least the people that went crazy at release. The people that didn't bother due to the release timing has made guild activity be higher than 0, but it's still a hollow shell of what it was just two-three months ago.

Have started to miss raiding a bit, but not enough to actually apply to any guild yet.

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Dragonflight dungeon event! Another test to see if you are still on santa's list.

Affix set was Fortified-Sanguine-Volcanic, a better affix set than the previous two weeks in my eyes. Except for maybe Life Pools...

Personal Progress


Wutteät pugged all 8 of the dungeons on 5/6, and got a couple hundred score. With the affix set this week this was very easy, with no pugs really managing to make anything hard.

Esmënet did all keys on +2/+3. Will pick conquest piece anyway, so just going for fast baseline score.


Wutteät decided to luck out again, got a set item second week in a row, and got a really nice tank trinket from the dungeon event cache.

Esmënet had 6 options, which was nice. Had a hard time to choose between the pvp options but decided on the belt. Got a neck with verse from the event cache, which wasn't ideal, but an ilevel boost.


I screenshotted getting the gold, but it seems it had chat. I just like doing the races, but keep forgetting to properly screenshot the moments...

Pet Battles

Questline: On the quests "Tamers: Eastern Kingdom" & "Tamers: Kalimdor". [No progress]

# of pets: 503 [+3]

# of level 25 pets: 3

PvP pet battle win/loss: 0-0

Picked up some pets and leveled my current team a bit. The battle pet event begins on january 11th, so will just faff a bit with pets until then, and then try to do some proper leveling for some pets at least that reset.


Will change to having a list of which character has what, and track knowledge too.

Mining (Esmënet): 90

Mining Process: 35

Metallurgy: 5

Herbalism (Esmënet): 95

Bountiful Harvests: 35

Botany: 30

Blacksmithing (Serwaswathan): 32

Armorsmithing: 10

Jewelcrafting (Serwaswathan): 33

Setting: 5

Skinning (Wutteät): 100

Tanning: 10

Harvesting: 25

Leatherworking (Wutteät): 58

Leatherworking Discipline: 15

Leather Armor Crafting : 20

Alchemy (Dominator): 46

Phial Mastery: 40

Enchanting (Dominator): 56

Enchantment: 60

Cooking (Dominator): 58

Fishing (Dominator): 100

Tailoring (Navarim): 37

Garmentcrafting: 10

Inscription (Navarim): 1

No specializations.

The only profession I have not started yet, it as far as I can tell, Engineering. And archeology, if that is still a thing.


Esmënet did 9 Solo Shuffle matches, with 26 wins out of 54 rounds for a net loss of 8 rating. It's still pretty fun.

There are some things that seems to permeate the format however. Every game people test all the other people, and if someone weak is found they get picked on. A fairly large chunk of the games has had one player that lost all 6 rounds (Ive done that twice now for example). If that character is a dps, all the other dps wins 4 rounds and the healers 3 each. If its a dps, one healer wins 6 rounds and all the dps wins 3. Games then turn into just don't play way worse than usual, while the more toxic pvpers then insult whomever is getting stomped. Sometimes the one getting stomped turns toxic in a funny way, like a healer that lost all 6 games but decided all the dps sucked so he couldn't win and said a bunch of things he will prolly get banned for...

One weird thing I found out is that shuffles counts for earning the pvp mount, and that you need 50 wins to get it. I am not farming for the mount, but it will be kinda fun to track how much I play and how "well" I am doing.

Even Wutteät stepped into the shuffle this week. It was a weekly quest to get through 12 shuffle rounds, and I wanted to get something to replace blue boots and neck so did that. Not sure how I won two rounds along the way... Might try out havoc if shuffle keeps being fun and Esmënet ends up being "done" at some point.

Social Progress


Dom got a weapon from the vault, which made up for last week lack of luck on it's own. The event cache yielded a ring, with an added effect that is...not best for paladin. But iLevel is iLevel.

Casual playmates

I was not at home when the fun runs happened this week :(

Hamsterwheel playmates

Played with different hamsterwheel groups this week. The old HoSG group, and "new" community ones, with the community one having a different comp every time it happened.

Struggled to get keys for different dungeons, but tuesday provided finally. Only Nokhud at 10+ was not had, means easy score next fortified week I suppose.

Character Summaries

Dominator [Social Dungeon Tank Progress Character]

Human Paladin [Level 70]

Dom did citadel, dragonspear, community feast and accord of the open world content, 17 keystones, some light pvp and some light crafting (including darkmoon faire) this week. And did the pet battle and dragonriding race progress bits.

Had some drops, upgraded the weapon I got in the weekly vault with valor, made an alchemy trinket and ended up having a nice ilevel increase, but still remain behind most of those I play with it would seem.

Current project is working on alchemy knowledge and get another 2 11+ keys done, so I can bump up my alchemy trinket. And if a shield drop keeps eluding me, put in a work order for one.

Character Stats

Guild: House of Small Gods

Main spec: Protection


Professions: Enchanting 56/100 [+8] - Alchemy 46/100 [+10] - Cooking 58/100 [+3] - Fishing 100/100.

iLevel/PvP iLevel: 388 [+8] / 405 [+25]

m+ Score: 1575 [+225]

Valor spent/earned: 1500/3000 [+750]

Conquest spent/earned: 0/1035 [+1035]

Solo shuffle rating: -

Raid progress: -

Wutteät [Personal Dungeon Tank Progress Character]

Night Elf Demon Hunter [Level 70]

Wutteät turned a bit into a multicontent character too. Doing both a bunch of pvp (brawl and epic bgs) and a full set of +5/+6 keys. Also did the usual citadel, community feast, dragonspear and accord stuff. Even did my first Grand Hunt, mostly by accident.

Did a tiny bit of profession stuff, including a work order from Esmënet for a hat. Everything is slow, but the curiosity of where it will end up is still there.

Character Stats

Guild: House of Small Gods

Main spec: Vengeance


Professions: Skinning 100/100 - Leatherworking 58/100 [+7]

iLevel/PvP iLevel: 380 [+6] / 411 [+27]

m+ Score: 988 [+271]

Valor spent/earned: 0/3000 [+750]

Conquest spent/earned: 590/1370 [+1370]

Solo shuffle rating: 192 [+192] (Vengeance)

Esmënet [Dungeon/PVP DPS Progress Character]

Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter [Level 70]

Esmënet continued to be the multicontent character, albeit without bothering with redoing the LFR wing.

Currently catching up on the two other characters, due to a bit of luck with drops. And being able to buy conquest pieces that would help both pve and pvp, on top of having Wutteät to craft some stuff for the blue items left. If I can swap the trinkets, Esmë will overtake Wutteät and maybe Dom as well.

Solo shuffle rating went down, and did not bother to spend 650 conquest on some small item. Mining and herbing while in shuffle queue is the way forward, like it was from TBC through Warlords. I'm really in that zone again.

Character Stats

Guild: House of Small Gods

Main spec: Beast Mastery


Professions: Herbalism 95/100 [+21] - Mining 90/100 [+20].

iLevel/PVP iLevel: 378 [+11] / 414 [+1]

m+ Score: 761. [+189]

Valor spent/earned: 0/3000 [+800].

Conquest spent/earned: 1800/2450 [+550]

Solo Shuffle rating: 1065 [-8]

Raid Progress: 3/8 LFR Vault of the Incarnates. [-]

Rank log

Esmënet dropped 9 spots, closing in on dropping out of top 100 on a small server... Closing in on my old FM guildie Artulla, sometimes weird to spot people out of nowhere I have not talked with for 5 years or something.

Wutteät dropped 4 spots, which was less than I thought I would with my pacing currently. But as can be seen on the rankings, the spec just isn't popular at the moment and the ones that play aren't in a rush either.

Dominator dropped 3 spots, less than anticipated again. The first week the groups Dom was in managed to do most keys as we had them, but the last two most keys we got were CoS and RLP, so it was harder to get easy score spread out. Or get a high SBG for free score. Prot Paladin also don't seem very popular like with Vengeance DHs, it would be different if I were a Protection Warrior I bet.

Random Weekly Thoughts

This was week 5 of the expansion, and it seems that's when people started to normalize this time. Most of my bnet friends list that has been online has played WoW, and now it's spread over different games again. And discord people are listed as doing other stuff, too. Next question is when people go for a break.

Another thing that has become clear is that a bunch of things are "broken". Like crafting; if you dont pick the rods and wands spec as one of the first two it seems horrible to skill up. Or instances; SBG is already way easier than Azure Vaults, but the timer difference is just insane - you could give Vaults 3 more mins and SBG 3 less mins and it would still be unfair. Assuming they will not do much with the dungeons, but hope they adjust professions at least in a later patch. This is the bad part about having dungeons for a season - they need fixing, and when they are fixed they will be replaced with another set of dungeons that will then need fixing.

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Writer's picture: RutheRuthe

This week I actually managed to do some keys even though we had lots of stuff planned. With for instance two christmases. And some board game nights. The affixes was terrible for healers. Bursting and grievous. I would never have played with pugs as a healer this week, and thankfully I didn't have to.

This week: Mobs are dead, let's run! Out of the range of the healer! With bursting and grievous stacks!

Doing keys with my old horde friends. This key went actually pretty good! But in the middle I got lagging problems, and at one time our internet connection went down. Healing with these affixes and lag was a very interesting experience. We lost some minutes while my husband got us a reserve internet connection. We only missed the timer by four minutes, so I think we would have made it there had been no internet problems.

Trying to hit people with a healing cone in the middle of a hectic battle is not always the easiest. The hunter ended up dying.

Doing keys with the guild! Not often I am invited to their groups, but the raid ended earlier, and we went mythic plusing instead.

Doing keys with friends, and even my husband!

Did this key with my old horde friends. It was like going back to legion. We did everything exactly as we used to back then, and the key went pretty fine.

The guild downed Raszageth on normal, the end boss of the current raid! I must say I don't think I have ever been happier to down a boss on normal before. It was so much harder than the other bosses. We mostly one-shotted all the other ones this raid. My ranking was pretty low (green), but I had to focus on staying alive and saving myself. We also have some very eager healers, so I feel that much of my healing just goes to overheals. I'm not used to fight for the hps in the previous guild. :) I probably need to find out how to optimize my heals more. I haven't found any very good youtube guides on how to heal as evoker. They mostly explain what the spells do, and don't tell you how to actually play.

Super clean kill! :p
The guild after getting the dragon down.

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