War Within Day 60.
This reset saw the release of a bunch of 20th anniversary events. Classic dungeons like Zul Farrak in Timewalking, a BRD raid and a lot of collect-the-things events like being able to get a HD remaster of tier 2 sets.
And the most bugs and horrible balancing WoW has ever had.
I was already annoyed and bored of playing Balance druid, and getting a more dull rework and a damage nerf on top was just the final straw. So I am dropping the spec, and will go on a break from the game for a while. This often happens ~8 weeks into a patch, so this is the least surprised pikachu face ever.
Nerub'ar Palace
I attended 3 out of the 4 raids the last 2 weeks, there hasn't been any new boss kills. One week it was decided not to even try Ansurek, the week after we were more or less learning phase 1 for 2 hours.
Pugged a single dungeon to get another vault slot, that was it. There's been very few guild m+ runs outside the normal static groups, and I've missed the times they happened - Delves have mostly taken over as an activity for people to get more vault slots as they don't require 5 people with correct roles.
So overall it's not so weird things got boring, some stagnation going on on top of Balance getting more boring.

Have kept up my 100% raid attendance on Esmëralda. The wednesday raid nights has kept being good, but the sunday ones have been so inconsistent it has felt like a mistake showing up 3 weeks in a row now. We killed Court on sunday after having it on 0.3% 3 resets ago, so it was nice to get progress again.
Managed to join a guild low m+ group once, and it was nice to play and be on voice with 5 rather than the big raid groups. I still really dislike the m+ dungeon pool so I haven't tried to get into a group again since.
General Thoughts
Since the initial release with all the exploring and profession choices mattering, the only thing I've liked this expansion has been the raids. I am now bored of them, so there is nothing to keep me around. But I'll say it was worth buying the expansion because of the raid, as I have enjoyed that a great deal.
The lack of QA is showing so much, all the time. There's been big class bugs constantly, game breaking bugs in dungeons, horrible balancing, horrible tuning and generally the opposite of everything Blizzard was famous for in the 90s and 00s. There's no polish here.
The biggest hurdle of coming back later this season, is that I'm at the brick wall. If I want to gear further, I need to pug/group up for +8s and +10s in m+, which I have little interest in on current characters. Nothing else is available.
So will I PB break length this time, or will this be another typical me break? People have already started betting, and somewhere between 8 and 16 days is the goto, let's see how good Blizzard is at tempting me back this time...