One of the things I wanted to do this patch was to update the hunter pet collection. Emerald Dream seemed to have lots of cool new prospects, and the other guild hunters were hyped up which rubbed off a bit on me.
How it's been
Ever since I started playing hunter "properly" in BFA first with Spiritblight and then Esmënet I picked a pet with Bloodlust as the main pet. Unless there was someone else with Lust in the group, where I would use a Spirit pet for the heal. And then have the second pet (which you didn't want in BFA iirc) just be something that looked cool. For something like 4 years, Esmënet has mostly used these two configurations:
Not at any point when actually playing I've thought "dear god this does not match at all". Mostly because the pets are obviously lost in the combat/spell effect clump so I don't see them much. The other is that whenever I play I don't really see my character much either. In Classic and so on, you watch your character and pet a lot more, but obviously then you don't have all these options for how you and your entourage looks.
Taming the new pets
While I tamed a few new pets while doing the Emerald Dream weekly quest grind, none of them really stuck with me. So I did a few laps of the place and picked up another 4-5 new ones. I ran into a few problems however...
These could not be tamed because I lacked the ability to tame them. Which after a petopia lookup requires me to do the Legion Class Hall Hunter quests and buy a book. This is fair, if there is something I really want I can just go and do it. Some pets however, was simply not tameable full stop (the ones with the druid bear form shape for example) which was a bit disappointing.
The second problem is more in line with what I am trying to fix - the look. The easy solution is simply tame two of the same pets so they match. However, I feel that is a bit boring.
The second is then finding some kind of combo that match. Just flying around taming things, does not easily translate into pets that match. If I just want a duck and an owl that match, that is not a straightforward thing to accomplish.
The lack of wholeness
I don't know enough words that deals with style to have a word that actually means anything to anyone. But besides the idea of having pets that match... The idea seems to be to match the transmog, your mount and your companion pet too round the whole thing out.
The only game I have ever done matching anything, was in Heroes of the Storm. Most skins (besides the basic ones) usually was dominated by the same colors, and most mounts had the same trend. So obviously you picked the mount color that matched your skin color.
So I decided to start with that. For the entirety of World of Warcraft, hunter class sets has been a disappointing affair, especially for dwarves. So I had to do something different to start it off, namely mix and match some red dominated stuff. To not get too complicated, I pretty much took the blood hunter "set" and added the crimson hood/cloak. For someone that has either used class sets and/or lumberjack shirts as the only things for 3 expansions, even that is a big leap :)
Very stylish. To add, I brought out the only store mount I ever bought (when the ingame store was still new), the Armored Bloodwing.
One of the reasons I picked it, was because bats has Bloodlust. And red/black bats were the least amount of work to get. I got a dreadbat from Revendreth and a regular bat from Spires of Arak.
Not entirely sure if I would say this "matches" looking at the screenshot. But I'll grade is as a good attempt.
Finishing thoughts
This went from "just tame some pets" to trying to dabble with unified looks. For people that care a lot of about transmogs, I am starting to understand that you don't need more game than collecting and sort out looks if that is something one is interested in.
I doubt I will ever outgrow just trying to match things (and not really managing that either), but I might spend some time going forward to at least try to get some alternative looks on other characters that isn't a lumberjack shirt or season 2 TBC Arena sets.