This week I was on a vacation with my family for four days, so I didn't manage to do as much as last week. I prioritized to get some raid kills and doing the campaign to get to max renown. With the guild we are now 9/10. Next week we will most probably get Sylvanas down. We were only two-healing most of the bosses, and it went fine.
I have gone full resto now, and it is super fun. I love raiding as resto now. It like the healing heavy fights best. It feels so good when you are able to use your cooldowns effectively. When we two heal a raid, it is actually very impactful you do. It is also very fun to pug. Not every group, but most of them. I don't think I've had this much fun in a raid tier since Legion! My favourite boss must be the Painsmith. There is a lot of cool mechanics, and the damage is pretty high.
Even though I'm having a great time in the game right now, there is a bad taste in my mouth after reading about the lawsuit against Activision Blizzard. I must say I am disappointed, but not really surprised. The lawsuit was pretty bad. Including one employee taking her own life, and drunk people crawling towards the womens cubicles. Harassment is never ok. In any form. I am very happy that they finally spoke up.
This week in mythic plus it was necrotic and spiteful. I don't like spiteful, it takes too long time to deal with if everyone is not running away from it. Necrotic is ok if you have a tank you trust. But it takes a lot of extra resources to heal through. When it comes to the torment affix, I think it is easier to deal with than the pride. Maybe except the ice boss because it slows you down so it is hard to dodge the ice thingy. I tried out a new anima power that I have been afraid of before. The one that gives you stat, but damages you over time. It worked out nicely, so I'm going to keep taking it. Looking at overall damage though, it took a good portion of my health.
Ulveblomst this week
Sanctum of domination
Tarragrue lfr
Eye lfr
Nine lfr
Tarragrue normal
Eye normal
Nine normal
Remnant normal
Soulrender normal
Painsmith normal
Guardian normal
Fatescribe normal (progress)
Kel'Thuzad normal (progress)
Tarragrue heroic pug
Eye heroic pug
Nine heroic pug
Painsmith heroic pug (progress)
Mythic plus
15* Sanguine Depths (progress)
14* Sanguine Depths
15 Spires
14* Spires
12* Plaguefall
13* Theater of pain (progress)
One level 12 wing (4 shards)
One level 11 wing (4 shards)
New mounts this week