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Got KSM on Wutteät on the second day of the 5th week of the season!

Took 30 days this season, which was a pleasant surprise. Season 1 KSM happened on day 1 of week 13, so day 85. So needed 55 days less this season. Not sure about time needed in season 4 of BFA. Didn't really track the time, and KSM didn't become a goal until it became clear the patch would go on for a while and covid kept on being a thing.

Think the reason why it was faster was mostly down to dungeon knowledge. There's no bosses in SL now where people don't know mechanics or decide not to do them. Had better gear from the start, instead of starting with m0 gear we had m7 gear from the getgo. The dungeon scaling seems to be lower compared to power scaling compared to last season too. I was 7 relative iLevels lower when getting KSM this season compared to last (220 then to 239 now). So in spite of needing more dungeons with a score due to the main/alt fortified/tyrannical system of the ingame score, it was less of a grind this season than last.

The main and alt scoring system for fortified and tyrannical is a mess if you play with different people however. The group I got KSM with ended up having the 4 other people needing 1 to 30 rating for KSM, and they all needed different dungeons. So ended up having to roll for who decides:

The dice sensed our hard choice and made the rolls even. Everyone should get KSM in the end, but I guess sitting on needing 2-3 dungeons with a score to get it can be annoying.

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