I had a break of almost three weeks before I returned. Not sure if I'm fully back, or what will happen before the next patch comes out. I did some dungeons on both my characters. Even managed to get some full guild groups one night! I'm not sure what to do now, but I decided to switch Ruthe fully to night fae. I completed half the quests before the break, and the rest afterwards. Not sure it if is a good choice or not, since I need to grind renown, anima, get new companions and level the companions. But I do like the night fae abilities. Soulshape is very welcome for a slow warlock. And soul rot actually does some damage, in addition to boost drain life if needed.
I've been watching a lot of warlock videos on youtube for the new raid. It seems that the affliction rotation is even worse that it was. Destruction is looking like the best warlock spec for the raid, and demonology is best in the pure single target fights. I am now around 90 % sure that I will main balance druid for the next tier. But thought I should give demo a try before I gave up warlock next tier too. I have never really played demo, so it is a lot to learn. I read through some guides, but think I just need to play it a bit more before the guides makes sense. It looks a bit difficult, since you need to plan ahead and build up your army before the tyrant is off cooldown. And I haven't understood when to use implosion yet. Right now it feels strange and clunky, but that is probably because I don't master it yet.
Changed to Night Fae
11** Sanguine depths, affliction
9** Halls of Atonement, affliction
Torghast as demo
World quests as destro
9**, 13* Necrotic Wake, balance
5*** Theater of Pain, balance
15* Spires, balance
14* De other side, balance
World quests as feral, guardian and balance
Completed missions campaign
New mounts
I've been sending out companions now and then, and finally I managed to get through the hard ones with Ulveblomst's companions. I managed to get through the whole campaign, and got two new mounts with companions from 47-50.