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A Shifty World #8: Frustration and Friction


War Within Day 46.

Two weeks has passed since last update, and as usual my interest has waned. And turned into frustration. So what have I done during the frustration times?

Nerub'ar Palace

Esmëriel is still raiding with Epiphany. The raid team is still over 30, but some people are always gone, so nobody had to be benched the last two weeks.

  • 8/8 Normal week 4. Normal was dropped for week 5, not even a shortcut run. Assume they keep it for an alternative if Ansurek dies fast on tuesday, or they get nowhere?

  • 7/8 Heroic week 4 and 5. I made the progress raid night week 4 due to RL cancellations and we went directly into HC week 5. Princess, Brood and Court were all messy but there's some people that parse orange and pink in the guild which helps.

  • Did not make it past phase 1 on Queen the few pulls we had in week 4. The heal check seemed to be pretty hard. Still seemed fun.

  • Playing Balance Druid is getting boring. With the melee getting better gear and all the add phases being about burst, all the adds just die before I can do much. So I have started just playing Keeper single target on every boss. And I don't like playing Keeper much, so it gets dull.

  • Overall the raid has ended up not being much fun in the long run, which might be related to me showing up to raid 5 nights a week the first 2 weeks.

I'm having the usual raid burnout, and there will be a break around week 8. Will see if I can pick up curve, and if I end up with a 2 week break or longer this time.


I didn't do many keys the last two resets. Last reset I did 3 with guildies, this reset I have done 0. The combination of annoying dungeons, annoying tuning and taking away the reward "stair" of Dragonflight and putting all the rewards at +9/+10 (crests, mythic track gear, portals, KSH achievement) so there is no carrot to do things in steps to lure you further in makes it a whatever experience.


Esmëralda has kept up 100% attendance, but missed like 30 minutes one night. The reclear nights are still normal, there are still fresh toons that show up. The prog night has attendance issues, needing increasing amounts of pugs. Which is a murder on the normally nice atmosphere and has seen signups plummet even further. So we shall see how that unfolds. Raid prog has stagnated and at the moment Curve seems far away.

General thoughts

The current game experience is pretty lousy, like expected. Mostly the problem seems to be different kinds of people run into a progress wall:

  • The solo players gets to tier 8 delves, and dont really get extra stuff over that except crossing of the tiers and the endboss once.

  • For raid/m+ people, the more laidback puggers can just do normal raid and +4s with no goal and get the same gear in the end as people that do heroic raid and +7s with the goal of curve and ksm. If you are behind, getting into 9s and 10s is not easy.

  • For people that try a bit hard, doing +12s and the back half of the mythic raid is a wall.

  • I think they botched the reward structure and the tuning structure at the same time, and missed the goalposts they put up by a lot. They have started fixing, but only by a bit, and that is pissing off the gatekeepers by a lot too. So we shall see how this ends up.

  • I really don't like the hero talents. I hope they are gone in Midnight.

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