The only time I played balance druid this week was actually on 3 heroic raid bosses and one dungeon. Other than that, I've played mostly resto, but also Ruthe and Azralin a bit. I've been runing as many De Other Side as a managed to try to get the trinket I need from there. Seen it drop two times this week, but not for me...
Got to renown 40!
She now also has dark fur, and new cat and bear forms.
27 wipes on Sire Denathrius heroic
14*, 4x15* De other Side
15* Sanguine Depths

3 heroic raid bosses
15 Plaguefall

Got to renown 40!
8** Sanguine Depths
Some LFR bosses in Castle Nathria

Torghast (only one wing)
Campaign quests

New mounts this week!
Since both Ruthe and Ulveblomst went through renown 39 this week, they each got a new mount. Only recolors of mounts they already have, so nothing really special about it.

We also finally got the wandering ancient mount. This is a mount we have been waiting for, that was promised to everyone. It took some time to give it to all players, and it felt really bad seeing oribos full of trees before I got my own. When I finally got it, I was actually surprised about how cool it was. It is a really unique mount with lots of details into it. It also has some special moves where it shakes things off its branches.
