There has been so much to do in the game after patch 8.2 hit, and doing mythic pluses have, for a while now, been more about completing a high level one for the weekly chest. Not ideal, of course, since doing mythic pluses is what I love the most about this game, but it's understandable.
This week, though, we put more time and effort into the mythic pluses. Krissie has been struggling with her DPS, but now that she has been able to switch out some of her haste/mastery gear for haste/crit gear, things seem to be improving quite a bit, and I am so happy about that.
The affixes this week are Fortified, Bolstering, Skittish and Beguiling, and they have been quite okay to deal with.
Yesterday, I wanted to find out if we can actually do a +12 in time. We should have the damage for it, we just haven't really given it a try. Previously this week, we had completed a +11 Underrot in time, and now Krissie had a +12 Underrot key, so I suggested we would go for that one, and tadaaaa, the +12 Underrot was completed in time.

We then went on to do a +13 Underrot, and this one was completed in time as well. We had a PUG priest with us, and he also joined us for our +14 key, which was a Kings' Rest.

The Kings' Rest was a bit more complicated as none of us had been in there this week, so we didn't know where we'd encounter the emissaries. The highest Kings' Rest Krissie had completed this season was a +7, so when it comes to score, this was a nice key to get.
We did not make the run in time, we had some struggles with the emissaries, but we didn't do too bad either.

So far, the affixes we'll get is a big mystery, since they've changed the rotation, and with how well we've been handling this week's affixes, I wish we would have had more time do do mythic pluses before reset, but Tuesday nights are raid nights, so that probably won't happen. Krissie has a +13 Freehold key that I would have loved to do. There's still so many gear upgrades that Krissie can get from the dungeons. I think the only two dungeons where she can't get upgrades, unless the items warforge, is Underrot and Kings' Rest.
I just hope that the affixes for the coming week won't be too bad either.

I was finally able to put down something higher than a +12 in my WoW journal as well. It's going to be fun to look back at these dates. Things may be hard right now, but my goal is still to finish all dungeons on at least +15 difficulty, in time, this season. (Journal shows dungeons completed, both in time, and not.)

And one month after Season 3 started, Krissie's score is 1081. At the moment, she's ranked as the 9th highest shadow priest on the realm, and 7th highest Alliance shadow priest.

I know this will change as soon as people get into doing mythic pluses again, but for now I'm going to enjoy seeing my name up there with the rest. ;)