So almost a year later than I wanted to, I crawled my way up to level 60 on classic!
The path to 60 was pretty weird. When I took up classic again I was going to play by myself and spec holy to get into groups. But somehow the guild managed to cough up 5 people for several dungeons, some who were way too high level for it obviously, but for a time we managed to avoid doing things with pugs. At first I was tanking, but since the warrior in the group outleveled me he took over tanking and I played retribution. Which helped a bit with question too I guess.
In vanilla, I always thought this bit of Zul'Farrak was the most iconic thing the game had. Now it feels like more of a slog since they have reused the idea for some world quests and it's been 15 years of doing ZF aswell.
Maraudon used to be one of those places you only did a wing of, like a princess run or whatever. But we did all quests in one run. I think it was the first run since Gnomer I wasnt horrible underleveled, so I could actually contribute to most tings except the princess. The ambient and the music makes the place atmospheric and it actually feels like a sprawling dungeon.
Sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar is one of two dungeons from vanilla I really thought nailed the whole dungeon idea. It has buildup through the quests, enviroment looks and sounds really good, it's maze, had to mind what trash you could skip and what you had to do, had puzzles and bosses that had other mechanics than being a bigger version of some basic mob. After doing this again, I think I'd have to say it still my favorite dungeon. Somehow.
The second dungeon in vanilla I thought nailed the dungeon idea was Blackrock Depths. Having this enormous place with different sections, internally consistent, various mobs and buildup to the dungeon from the quests in the open world. Be it as it may that it's dwarves digging too deep for their own good-trope, it's still a good variation on the trope. While as classic players we are contractually obligatoed to take shots at retail when playing, I am somewhat serious here. I don't know how many BRD runs I did in vanilla and how many times the wins have popped up in lfg while leveling through dungeons later, but the basic premise of having a million quests in here and exploring makes it feel better than anything Shadowlands has. Problem is that it has so much people got burned out on the place once all their quests for the place was gone, and I was too low level to get attuned to MC and such... :(
Not really anything new to say about the open world questing. In an ideal world, I'd remember all my routes from vanilla and have 14-slot bags in all bank slots with heaps of inventory space so I could just consume a dozen quests and then hs home. Sell everything and go out again. Time takes it's toll on my memory so the logistics of my questing like fedexing for hours often back and forth between the same places, and mostly running around with 5 or less inventory slots means only doing a couple of quests before having to return to town to juggle stuff around. So it took a lot of time to actually get to 60....
Considering my PB from vanilla was something like 5 days 20 hours (or was it 5 days 12 hours, I cant remember). Which means my efficiency loss was a massive 7 days. 7 DAYS! Not really strange that a lot of people that did the same as me doesnt want to play the game, if the actual majority of their leveling is wasted time on going from A to B, or inventory management. Or finding a group for elites or a dungeon you have 6 quests for that will be grey soon. I could have played through Divinity: Original Sin and Pathfinder: Kingmaker with that time loss alone...
Now that leveling is over, it's time to do the real classic endgame:
Giving people blessings, spamming rank 1 flash of light and clicking decursive in raids has nothing on inventory management in this game. The fact I have 2 alts that now have full inboxes with usefull stuff too isn't making things any easier.