This week brought a bunch of news concerning next season. The most important bit was the non-DF dungeon set for m+, which turned out to be:
Neltharion's Lair
Vortex Pinnacle
There was another rumored set that was horrible, so this is fine by me. The DF dungeons are all fairly lengthy, so I am assuming Freehold and Neltharion's will be the go to dungeons unless tuned out of whack.
There's also a gearing revamp with a unified gear upgrading system that has new tokens. And splits up gear into different categories, to prevent the +2 farming for bis items and valor. Seems like some good ideas but is just way too granular and bloated. Needing to create categories for a gearbloat and having to write a long ass post about it should set some alarms ringing... Valor has problems too, but at least it was straightforward. But I applaud making a unified system for all pve content (AND not touching the working pvp gearing system!). So will just hope they make proper adjustments later on it it's lifecycle. Or just redo the SL season 4 system, with some gear on vendors...
Affix set this week was Fortified - Sanguine - Volcanic - Thundering. The best fortified week on the calendar from my point of view, so I spent more time than the last few months in dungeons this reset.
I have also ended up with my old long term goal: farming Honor Kills to 250 000. Along with getting KSM every season. Professions are still interesting, but it's not a main draw. Right now the most interesting crafted gear is from rare recipe drops, so I could have just done alchemy/enchanting for myself and dropped the other stuff if I was optimizing. Which I'm not, but it's still a bit annoying :)
An interesting thing is that both Wutteät and Esmënet now have more valor earned than Dom, and is closing in on gear and score almost every week. I am going to say week 20 will be the end of the project of social tank progress vs solo tank progress vs dps progress. Currently there are only two people left of the pool of people at the start of the expansion that still plays, plus one I can ask to join. The rest of the friends list mostly plays COD or is not playing anything at all. Which I can understand - if you play the game 20 hours a week on one character, you'd prolly have all the stuff you want out of the season by now.

Top key done this week, a 17.

Like an AV of old. Horde decided to leave heavy defense, but in the end created a bottleneck for themselves that made them lose on reinforcements. Lots of nice skirmishes, but obviously a bad thing for the people that were farming honor and wanted quick bgs.

Gundrak. Still brimming with atmosphere. Not sure what happened to the Wrath of the Liche King Timewalking: Always Pit of Saron thing. But good that it's gone...

Esmënet's first 15 timed this season.
Character Summaries
Dominator [Social Dungeon Tank Progress Character]
Human Paladin [Level 70]
Weekly activities:
5 m+ dungeons (1x +17, 2x +16s, 1x +11, 1x +10)
World Quests/Profession Quests/Accord
15 pet battles (low level pets)
Some crafting, have to start putting effort into Enchanting as it keeps lagging behind.
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Protection
Professions: Enchanting 75/100 [+6] (Enchantment: 90 - Insight of the Blue: 85 - Rods, Runes & Ruses: 5) - Alchemy 100/100 (Phial Mastery: 55 - Potion Mastery: 55 - Alchemical Theory: 40) - Cooking 85/100 [+5] - Fishing 100/100.
iLevel/PvP iLevel: 410 [-] (4 set) / 405 [-]
m+ Score: 2300 [+12]
Valor spent/earned: 8850/9100 [+1000]
Conquest spent/earned: 0/1320 [-]
Solo shuffle rating: -
Raid progress: -
Wutteät [Personal Dungeon Tank Progress Character]
Night Elf Demon Hunter [Level 70]
Weekly activities:
8 m+ dungeons (1x +14s, 4x +13s, 3x +12s).
World Boss/Profession Quests/Accord.
Crafting (got a bunch of profession equipment recipes this week).
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Vengeance
Professions: Skinning 100/100 (Tanning: 40 - Harvesting: 40 - Bait Crafter: 20) - Leatherworking 89/100 [+12] (Leatherworking Discipline: 55 - Leather Armor Crafting: 50 - Primordial Leatherworking: 45) - Fishing 53/100 [-] - Cooking 74/100 [+23]
iLevel/PvP iLevel: 404 [+1] (4 set) / 411 [-]
m+ Score: 1917 [+79]
Valor spent/earned: 9 200/11 300 [+1600]
Conquest spent/earned: 590/1545 [-]
Solo shuffle rating: 192 [-] (Vengeance)
Raid Progress: 1/8 LFR (as Havoc) [-]
Esmënet [Dungeon/PVP DPS Progress Character]
Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter [Level 70]
Weekly activitites:
19 m+ Dungeons (4x +15s, 5x +14s, 2x +13s, 4x 12s, 4x +11s) [+2 bricked]
Accord/World Boss/Profession Quests
WotLK Timewalking Dungeons (x5) [Got a trinket finally!!!!!]
2 Full Shuffle matches (12 rounds)
9 Epic BGs (4-5 W/L)
Maxed out conquest gear!
Some material gathering while in PVP queues.
Passed 2k m+ score!
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Beast Mastery
Professions: Herbalism 100/100 (Bountiful Harvests: 65 - Botany: 80 - Mastering the Elements: 40) - Mining 100/100 (Mining Process: 85 - Metallurgy: 40 - Mastering the Elements: 50) - Fishing 23/100 [-] - Cooking 35/100 [-]
iLevel/PVP iLevel: 402 [+5] (4 set)/ 424 [+1] (4 set)
m+ Score: 2000 [+298]
Valor spent/earned: 9 875/12 500 [+3800]
Conquest spent/earned: 7 570/7 580 [+1830] (must have missed updating conquest the week it uncapped, so that's since then.)
Solo Shuffle rating: 975 [-58]
Raid Progress: 8/8 LFR Vault of the Incarnates.
Rank Log
Esmënet: 93 [+14] (Did 9 dungeons for a bit of score before cutoff.)
Wutteät: 21 [-] (Did 8 dungeons, but not a lot of score before cutoff.)
Dominator: 16 [-2] (Did 5 dungeons, for a very minor score increase before cutoff.)
3 months in and people on the server seems fairly active, compared to the friends list. A thought occured that I should check what guilds those people are in and if they are alts...
Alt Log
Serwaswathan, Draenei Mage (Level 70 Unknown, Crafter [Blacksmith/Jewelcrafting], iLevel 385 [4 set])
Adagabo, Night Elf Druid (Level 70 Week 8, Gatherer [Herbalism], iLevel 377)
Iwaz, Draenei Warrior (Level 70 Week 10, Gatherer [Mining], iLevel 363)
HKs Log
184 767 [Start]