This season was suddenly over. 5 months, when I expected 6-7. Sort of disappointed in that.
Wix claims I have used 3gb of images again, so I need to either find a good way to host elsewhere or swap to logging somewhere else as no image posts are boring :) But here's the end of season spreadsheet, bearing in mind that there will be a postseason week too.
Still not allowed to post pictures, will edit in some if the restriction is lifted.
Character Summaries - End of Season
Dominator [Social Dungeon Tank Progress Character]
Human Paladin [Level 70]
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Protection
Enchanting 75/100 (Enchantment: 90 - Insight of the Blue: 85 - Rods, Runes & Ruses: 25)
Alchemy 100/100 (Phial Mastery: 55 - Potion Mastery: 55 - Alchemical Theory: 65)
Cooking 90/100
Fishing 100/100
PvE iLevel/PvP iLevel: 411 (4 set) / 405
m+ Score: 2324
Valor spent/earned: 9850/9900
Conquest spent/earned: 0/1320
Solo shuffle rating: -
Raid progress: -
Wutteät [Personal Dungeon Tank Progress Character]
Night Elf Demon Hunter [Level 70]
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Vengeance
Skinning 100/100 (Tanning: 40 - Harvesting: 40 - Bait Crafter: 40)
Leatherworking 100/100 (Leatherworking Discipline: 90 - Leather Armor Crafting: 50 - Primordial Leatherworking: 60)
Fishing 53/100
Cooking 74/100
PvE iLevel/PvP iLevel: 407 (4 set) / 411
m+ Score: 2008
Valor spent/earned: 13 050/13 300
Conquest spent/earned: 590/1720
Solo shuffle rating: 192 (Vengeance)
Raid Progress: 1/8 LFR (as Havoc)
Esmënet [Dungeon/PVP DPS Progress Character]
Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter [Level 70]
Character Stats
Guild: House of Small Gods
Main spec: Beast Mastery
Herbalism 100/100 (Bountiful Harvests: 80 - Botany: 80 - Mastering the Elements: 40)
Mining 100/100 (Mining Process: 115 - Metallurgy: 40 - Mastering the Elements: 50)
Fishing 23/100
Cooking 47/100
PvE iLevel/PVP iLevel: 412 (4 set)/ 424 (4 set)
m+ Score: 2331
Valor spent/earned: 19 350/19 700 [-]
Conquest spent/earned: 8 450/8 805 [-]
Solo Shuffle rating: 975 [-]
Raid Progress: 8/8 LFR Vault of the Incarnates.
Rank Log - End of Season
Esmënet: 73 [+18] (Did a lot of dungeons for about 200 score, so got a proper last week climb.)
Wutteät: 25 [-1] (Did a single dungeon for single digit score increase, just one person jumped by me.)
Dominator: 28 [-2] (No dungeons done, a couple rounded off some score to 2400 I assume.)
Alt Log - End of Season
Serwaswathan, Draenei Mage (Level 70 Unknown, Crafter [Blacksmith/Jewelcrafting], iLevel 395 [4 set])
Adagabo, Night Elf Druid (Level 70 Week 8, Gatherer [Herbalism], iLevel 377)
Iwaz, Draenei Warrior (Level 70 Week 10, Gatherer [Mining], iLevel 363)
HKs - End of Season
185 265
RIO end of Season Key Numbers (if image ban is lifted will upload images)
Grouped with someone of all specs.
Dom best gear all season until last week, then Esmënet.
Highest key done +18, done last week of season.
Dom most runs with 108. The others were Esmë with 107, Wutteät with 95, Serwaswathan with 23 and Adagabo with 6. Only 5 classes/specs were played, first time RIO has not labeled me an altoholic.
Top comp Prot Pala - Pre Evo - Double Havoc - Outlaw.
SBG most run (53), Nokhud least run (34).
Dom got to 2200ish fast, then barely got rating over 3 months, until Esmë "won" final week.
Top played with was Raennya (58), Lavabloom (54), Searothr (47), Taralei (39) and Marowak (29).
I played with 998 other characters over 339 dungeons, so my most pug heavy season to date.
End of Season Thoughts
This season had no goals nor thought that went into play, mostly to see what would happen. A science project in a way. The main takeaway was that nothing really got completed (like professions, rep gain, score and gear capped out and such), which was not that surprising.
While I am usually hard to pin down for opinions, be it vocal about what I want or draw a line that I guard well for things I don't want, this was even worse this season. Mostly since I didn't really have a clear opinion on much before something happened.
The end result however wasn't all that different from the Shadowlands and BFA seasons however. I could most likely have gotten another 2-3 key levels done for every dungeon if I had stuck to just Dominator for example, and made a concentrated effort to keep up with RaSaMa at the release. I would be behind, but not be behind 10-15 ilevels and hundreds of score and set bonuses. Which is like 1 key level behind what I felt like I ended up with in the previous expansions.
I am not used to having so many issues with time and scheduling, which was more of a hindrance to anything than the game. My old way of playing will no longer work. I'll never top off professions, pet battles, pvp or pve by doing everything a bit. So need a new approach next season so I can at least get SOMETHING done.
As for the quality of the content of the season, I am fairly happy. There is too much granularity and clutter in all the pve content (ilevel differences, profession material qualities) which is a bit annoying. That the entire m+ dungeon pool wasn't just the new dungeons and will be fully gone next season is super annoying. The talent system and gameplay nice, liked the Dragonriding and so much being optional. The ring at the end of a season was a big facepalm however.
If I post more here will depend on whether I can fix the image issues in a simple way, so perhaps this will be last post... Or it might not.