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Dragonflight Season 3 Recap


Raider IO was making me twitchy waiting for the Season 3 recap, but it came out in the end... After season 4 started maybe?

Another season of playing with everything! Shocker, affliction clenched last spot for specs played with again..

Esmënet rush at start, then got all content I wanted done (KSH + Curve). Then I did vault m+ and raided with Serwa for weeks as I attended raid as mage that led to a Frost Mage lead. Esmënet had a resurgence after Serwa got curve, and took back the lead after getting all portals plus some score change. Dominator did not at any point have the lead which is new for the expansion. In fact, none of my tanks got that well geared in Season 3.

The amount of bosses killed was about double the amount killed in season 2. The guild raid had farm runs for longer, and I also raided outside guild which was the cause of this. I doubt these numbers will be repeated unless they go down the rickety path of doing big m+ changes that backfires.

HC Fyrakk top with 20 attempts for progress. Considering that was during week, it puts the raid difficulty in a weird light. I doubt that short a progression in non-fated season will happen again.

The season 2 tracker was bugged, so I don't know if this season had longer progression time than that. But I would assume so, but I don't know how they count this. (First boss kill until final boss kill? Start of season until boss kill?)

The most unstable "vault" season yet. The first 20 was on Dominator in a premade I set up a couple of saturdays, then score runs on Esmënet later on made up the rest of the 20s and over. Random alts and some aspect crest runs in between makes up for a lot of variation on key levels.

Down from 8 specs in season 2, and same number of specs as season 1. Windwalker Monk and Demonlogy Warlock replaced Guardian Druid and Restoration Shaman. I am pretty happy that I reduced the amount of classes played, but unhappy I did not increase the amount of specs played.

Played the same premade comp for two sessions of a few hours, which was enough to make it the most played comp. The double havoc as part of the comp has been the same for 4 seasons in a row now I think...

Waycrest tops with 113 runs, Galakrond bottom with 38 runs. The rest ~50 runs per.

I know Waycrest very well and it was very easy to get into keys there, which explains the amount. Galakrond was my most successful key in terms of completion rate and timing rate, but I dislike the DOTI dungeon setups (having the portal here and there, RP breaks and "set piece" encounters).

Sad part is this continues the trend of becoming the "Freehold only" guy of my random BFA horde guild instead of having all dungeons be about the same to prevent burnout I am attempting to do.

Lowest amount of weeks with progress this expansion. Exactly 200 less keystones than in season 2 and 133 more than in season 1.

The reduction in progress weeks is much like the dungeon diversity not a good development. Reduced keystones is a good thing, and if I can drop down to season 1 key levels and start finishing backlog of great games like BG3 and other marathon games with the freed up time. Or even watch Stranger Things (I fell off after season 2 of that show)...

And so the most depressing part. Rae tops with 30 runs (~6%) and Fenaii is fifth with 17 runs (~3%). Further dropping Rae from 16% of season 1 and 8% of season 2.

I raided a lot more with RaeSea that makes up for this in some regard. And at least I still keep in touch. At this rate RaeSea will take over the longterm constant m+ teammates for real time, but I don't think I will do enough premade m+ for the rest of WoW's existance to overtake the TH crew. But at some point I will have to count...

Hodgei would have been top if he wasn't an altoholic. And other people than Nighed and Fenaii I played with more - but people that stick to one character always does best on these kinda lists. 3 out of 5 are guildies and there are no alts on the list, which I also think is a first since I left TH 2 years ago. So it took some time for change to happen :)


This was my peak PUG season, playing at odd hours, erratic frequence, long breaks during the season and raiding a lot more than I usually do. And I think I have done enough of that pug spam now.

I am happy with:

  • That I played less keys than last season (but bad content the reason, not self discipline).

  • Reached all my character specific goals on Esmënet.

  • Properly tried to do progress raiding and parse raiding for once. Including raiding with RaeSea a tier, even if my attendance for that raid was rather bad.

What I didn't like:

  • Wutteät, Navarim and Ihnanna I played more out of alt-habit rather than wanting to do anything with them. Could have been skipped and read a book with that time instead.

  • Having so few runs with people I know compared to total runs. A few days into Season 4, I have 2 people beating 4th and 5th place on this season's played with list. Which puts things into perspective.

  • Rushing through content fast, with very few progress weeks as a result, resulting in the feeling of hitting the ceiling and losing the motivation to play.

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