This week the shadowlands dungeon event stopped by again. Affixes were Fortified - Bolstering - Quacking - Tormented. Not a horrible set of affixes, but kinda slow.
Ghoset did the following this week
The chest was a 3 iLevel upgrade and had no mastery, so that's a win.

Four keystones:
De Other Side +5 ***
Sanguine Depths +5 ***
Theater of Pain +3 ***
Sanguine Depths +9 **

A good showcase of how lfg work. The first SD had an undergeared dps warrior, and generally not that great score on anyone. But was smooth because people just played. The SD 9 had 3 dps grouped, some who had a couple hundred more score on their mains than me. So obviously they went ahead and did things their way and decided to have mexican standoffs about it. The fact the healer seemed to have never been in there either didn't help. Part of the reason when I do the inviting I do not invite the high score people.
Weekly thoughts
I dropped the whole time taking thing, and just did 4 dungeons for the dungeon weekly event. Kinda burned out on the game and was planning to just open vaults and uninstall. But with 20 days left of game time and wondering if I really should try to quit forever given recent 9.2 ptr updates, I'll just let game time run out. But I have done all I want on this character, and will thus stop the project.
Stats after week done
Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 80)
Main spec: Vengeance (235 iLevel [+2]) [1500.0 score (+1,6)]
Offpsec: Havoc (235 iLevel [+2]) [0.0 score]
Main Secondaries: Versatility (14%) & Haste (18%)
Legos: Scorched Soul Shackles (rank 6)
Raid Prog: -
Professions: Leatherworking (max) & Enchanting (104)
Navarim did the following this week:
Took the Empyreal Ordnance. I have a bunch of trinkets now, but not sure how it stacks up to the others.

Weekly thoughts
Unlike Ghoset, I did not find the motivation to bother with doing more stuff than vault on Navarim. I will not play this character for anything worthwhile this expansion, so trying hard to get more score to upgrade stuff to 242...and then do nothing seems just like a waste. So did not even make it to 6 weeks played :)
Stats after week done
Covenant: Night Fae (Renown 80) & Kyrian (Renown 80)
Main spec: Demonology (239 iLevel) [1660.3 score]
Offpsec: Destruction (239 iLevel) [915.2 score] & Affliction (228 iLevel) [97.5 score]
Main Secondaries: Haste (23%) & Mastery (34%)
Legos: Wilfred's Wristwraps of Superior Summoning (rank 6), Cindercloak of the Azj'Aqir (rank 3), Relic of Demonic Synergy (rank 2).
Raid Prog: Heroic Sanctum 5/10 [+0], 10/10 LFR Sanctum
Professions: Tailoring (max) & Inscription (max)
Prediction development
Ghoset will be closer in iLevel, but still more than 5 iLevels behind.
Navarim gained 0 iLevels. Ghoset gained 2 iLevels. Lead down to 4 from 6 iLevels.
Navarim will have dipped into more content.
Neither have done new content this week. Still a tie.
Navarim will have more progress on alt specs.
Navarim did not play alt specs this week.
Playing 4ish hours a week on your own does seem to be perfectly fine, as long as you play the entire patch duration. Do one raid a week or m+, and spend a bit of time on whatever the bad Timeless Isle copy is during the given patch. The most annoying part is that you don't get many tickets for the loot lottery, so progress might crash. I would just do one evening + 1-2 2 hour raids if my schedule was up to me. But it's not.
The peer "pressure" is what pushes me into the degenerate amount of hours and the countless months of playing. This is partially the game's fault, but also how people now approach it. Much like I am now bored senseless of the Shadowland dungeons, I am now getting to my Wrath point of not wanting to be part of endgame again.
I have 20 days left of sub since I didn't look during christmas if I should unsub, but then I will take a break. After that I will try to go casual, perhaps raidlog normal and do an evening a week of some laidback keys since I already know the places. But no KSM rush, no +20s chasing, no fucking reputation farming. And skip all that stuff altogether next expansion, and live the Cata-Legion life again.
I might put 5 gold on me not actually managing that, but will at least try.