This week my most played spec was actually resto druid. I have to admit that I'm a tiny bit tired of playing the same content over and over again as balance druid now. So it is fun to play something else for a while. First we had two days of dungeons where I healed. The affixes was fortified, volcanic and bursting. The bursting was ok, but is an extra thing to handle.
In m+ I feel my healing is flowing a bit better, and I have even started to try to focus more on doing damage when things go smooth. The healing went ok, except for when we tried to do an Other Side 16. The trash at the start was just hitting way too hard. Even with the shadow priest pumping out a lot of off-healing, we had lots of deaths there. The rest of the instance went fine though, so we only missed the timer by a few minutes.
Now that we have all 15s in time, wutteat is done making m+ group appointments for us for now. I just hope that we still will do some keys now and then, even if we're done pushing. But I will not try to get all three vault options from now on. Only 1 or 2.
One of our main healers was not attending the raid this week, so I was allowed to heal half of the bosses. And, bragging alert, (this might be a once-in-a-lifetime-brag, so here it goes), I was top dps on 3 bosses, and top healer on 3 bosses. Yes, I know that hps does not tell if you actually save people, but at least I contributed. Feels like I'm getting closer to my goal of mastering all my specs. But I still don't feel totally up to date in raids for resto. There are lots of things I could do better.
I even did Torghast as resto druid this reset. But don't think I'll do that again. It took so much longer than soloing it as balance, like I did last week.
I got three new mounts this week! First the m+ mount, sintouched deathwalker. It is sooooo cool. I even had to change Ulveblomst's fur color to match it better, and made a dark resto druid transmog. It is not super practical to use since it is a bit tall. It was world quest rep week, so I got to exhalted with both the ascended and court of harvesters, and could buy their mounts. The court of harvester mount is a nice, black horse. I don't like the purple blanket on it, but otherwise it is very nice. Guess I haven't been alliance long enough to be tired of horse mounts. :) The ascended mount was cute and nice, but will probably not use it.
Resto druid
15* Necrotic wake (progress)
15*, 16 De other side (progress)
15* Plaguefall (progress)
14** Sanguine Depths (healing progress)
14** Theater of Pain (healing progress)
4 Castle Nathria HC bosses (healing progress)
Balance druid
13 De other Side
The first 5 Castle Nathria HC bosses
Feral druid
World quests
Guardian druid
Maw stuff
Some wold quests and callings
My first real ember court
Mount farming
Elemental shaman
Mount farming
New mounts
Next patch
Tomorrow there the new 9.0.5 patch is coming out. Unfortunately it is just a tuning patch, with no new content.