Been busy myself, and others have been busy, so it's been a bit of a struggle to get my fill of playing with "old" friends. Bit of a struggle to get hold of people this time too, but it happened which was nice.
I played Wutteät this time, and got the last 200 valor I needed to consider myself "finished gearing" (a 272+ piece in every slot) finally. We did these instances:
Mists of Tirna Scithe +15 **
Necrotic Wake +17 **
Halls of Atonement +17 **
Gambit +16 *
Spires of Ascension +17 *
People were fairly well geared this time, and I would say we played very well the first 3 dungeons. Especially the Halls run. We didn't have a Venthyr and messed some bits up, but was saved by some individual play like great Ulve typhoons and 2 chested it. The Gambit one person had a 0 score run and one had never been there, and we nearly 2 chested there too. I started doing some mistakes like on second boss, but I was having a good time so asked for a fifth run, and that was too much for me I think. I did a lot of mistakes, we struggled on first the boss and generally it was a lot more messy than the previous ones. Just the general experience I have with how things goes beginning with the third run really, can notice myself and others gradually becoming more sloppy. But we still timed everything.
I think the main reason I enjoy this a lot more after I left the guild is that instead of the relentless amount of stuff I feel I need to do myself I no longer have any obligations or performance needs. I asked the people because I really wanted to play with them, and thus the whole thing is a simple "want" thing instead of a "need" thing. The thought that this is not going to last makes me feel blessed or whatever as long as it is possible too, I suppose.
On the other hand, it's also a bit weird. To be on the "outside" of what most of my friends list is doing again after years of being involved stings a bit. While also so much relief I am not in some vault runs on sunday afternoon and then have to rush dinner into a 4 hour raid into being asked after raid to do stuff. It will be even weirder when the new season starts and the new expansion comes and I have become irrelevant, when I will be essentially playing a different game than the people I have played with for so long.
FOMO and the need to be involved/be important are fairly massive needs/impulses I suppose, even when it's destructive.