Last season, it also happened around the time we got KSM. The turning point for me for when the games goes from fun to something I just do. When I stop looking forward to log in. But do it because I feel that I need to or just because it is a habit. I'm surprised that it has only been a month in the new patch, and the feeling is already there. I still enjoy parts of the game. I do enjoy the raid, and want to finish it on heroic. And I do enjoy it when we do mythic plus keys with the guild. Even though I'm starting to get a bit tired of doing the same dungeons. It has been a while since I enjoyed raiding more than mythic plus.
I tried to join the pug community for more raids, but it didn't work out. Since I could only really join after sunday to make sure I'm not loot locked when raiding with the guild, I was not invited because they prioritized the people who had raided the rest of the week. When I asked if they had room for me on monday, the only answer I got was "Depends". And nothing more. Not even after they started. That is not good enough for me, so I quit the community, and pug raided instead. Much more flexibility!
Raiding this week
with Ulveblomst as resto
Tarragrue heroic
Eye of the Jailer heroic
The Nine heroic (guild progress)
Remnant of Ner'zhul heroic (guild progress)
Guardian heroic (pug, progress)
Kel'Tuzad heroic (pug, progress)
The Kel'Tuzad fight is strange to heal. 70% of the fight there is nothing to heal. And the rest is crazy to heal. We had lots of wipes on it, but had a steady progress, and made it in the end. When the whole floor was covered in ice. Spam healing to keep people alive to get him down. I had a lot of fun.
Mythic plus this week
with Ulveblomst as resto
17 mists
16* Necrotic wake
16* De other Side
16* Halls
16 Halls
15* Halls
15* Necrotic wake
15* De other side
15* Mists
15* Mists
15* Theater of Pain
with Ruthe as demo
7* Theater of pain
Torghast was much easier this week than the previous one. Maybe because I'm starting to get a bit better geared. The first one I even got my first flawless run!
Skoldus hall: 5/5 shards as resto with balance affinity
The soulforges: 4/5 shards as resto with balance affinity
Campaign this week was ok-ish. Was nice to visit the kyrian sanctum for the first time. The only sanctum I have not been in before. Next week will be the last one in the campaign. Hope there will be a cool ending! (But I kind of doubt it)
New mounts this week
Normal SOD: 10/10
Heroic SOD: 8/10
Mythic plus score: 2001
15s in time tyrannical: 6/8
15s in time fortified: 5/8
Ilvl: 239-242
Legendries: 6
Verdant infusion rank 6 (Thanks to Wutteat!) for Mythic+ healing
Celestial spirits rank 5 for raid healing and feral
Arcanic pulsar rank 4 for balance
Ursocs Fury remembered rank 4 for guardian
Mother three rank 4. This was an ok all-round legendary for healing when it was my off-spec. No longer in use.
Balance of all things rank 4. Single target balance legendary. Was nerfed to the ground, and no longer in use.
Shards of domination: 3 unholy + one blood with leech
Vault of the week: 252 staff with crit and haste