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Mimara and other alts (2)


The last couple of weeks has been kinda slow on main again, so my alts ended up being played more than main - as in all of them had more /played per week than main. So what is *actually* my main at this point?

Mimara (Guildless)


Spec: Protection (main) / Retribution (off - pve) / Holy (off - pvp)

Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 30)

iLevel: 201 (Haste: 9% / Versatility: 20%)

Legendary: Relentless Inquisitor (Rank 1)

Soulbind: Pelagos (Ringing Clarity / Golden Path / Vengeful Shock / Shielding Words)

RIO: 284

Raid prog: None.

Professions: Skinning (Max) / Mining (101)

Kept being the main pocket pick in spite of wondering if I would bother more with it. It has not magically become more fun still, but its just nostalgic to play prot pala sometimes. To the point it doesn't really matter if I get anything from the content I do. So I burned through the covenant campaign, did a bunch of bgs during bg week, then pugged the weekly dungeon event. Not very lucky with the loot I couldnt choose from the pvp vendor nor upgrade with anima, but at least it spiked my ilevel up a fair amount. So it's an option to start trying to do 10+ stuff on. If so inclined.

I have been meaning to make a mirror of my horde guild where I keep my less played characters, get own guildbank to store stuff and whatnot. But got that charter in december and have 2/4 signatures, so guess I should fix that just to organize stuff more than anything.

Esmënet (Guildless)


Spec: Marksmanship (main) / Beast Mastery (off)

Covenant: Necrolords (Renown 30)

iLevel: 199 (Mastery 11% / Crit 20%)

Legendary: Talisman of Surging Shots (Rank 1)

Soulbind: Bonesmith Heirmir (Powerful Precision / Cheetah's Vigour / Rejuvenating Wind / Brutal Projectiles)

RIO: 415

Raid prog: None.

Professions: Herbalism (max) / Inscription (2)

Second in line for "main alt" status after Ihnanna. It's a hunter so there's not much to say; does ok damage, has some utility and is not a melee spec. And more fluid feel than the balance druid and not the "can be trolled by tank/other people in group" feeling of frost mage. Problem however is the same as it was in BFA; it get boring really fast. In BFA I did one raid a week and one 2-3 dungeon session a week and got bored. Doing 4 for dungeon weekly was pushing it, doing 10 for max vault... Erm. Or even worse, pug like made for KSM if wanting to maximize. Based on performance, I should most likely play it for all time, sadly enough.

Biggest hurdle is still the fact that the character is Necrolord and not Night Fae. the 9.0.5 patch is going to try to even out the covenants some and the necrolords abilities got a buff in first pass; but the problem is that the night fae ability is most of the damage for nearly every hunter I play with in pugs or otherwise. And there is no chance they buff necrolords to that extent. So I would have to do a covenant switch and refarm renown... Which seems unlikely.

Ghoset (Enraged Rubber Ducks)


Spec: Vengeance

Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 31)

iLevel: 201 (Haste 13% / Versatility 15%)

Legendary: Reckless Grasp of Fiery Soul (rank 1)

Soulbind: Pelagos (Repeat Decree / Fel Defender / Growing Inferno / Viscous Ink)

RIO: 251

Raid prog: None.

Professions: Skinning (max) / Leatherworking (max)

Been level 60 for 24 days now. Did the last bit of pvp during the battleground weekly event which took some time; otherwise just one pure m+ pug that week and 4 keys for the dungeon weekly event; they all went smooth. Lucked out on both the event cache (a haste/versa belt that replaced a crit/mastery belt) and the latest vault item - a 210 Blood-Splattered Scale. So I guess I should mainswitch to horde now?

Groupwise the idea was to play with some guildies in TH that have horde characters. But the one that has pushed the most for that didn't actually ever show up for actually doing the weekly event... And while it's nice to just put on a metal playlist on spotify, turn off groupchat and just play in a pug; I could also just do that on an alliance alt that might actually push for anything. Unless this whole horde alt idea is actually played out.

Ihnanna (Fighting Mongooses)


Spec: Windwalker (main) / Brewmaster (off - pve) / Mistweaver (off - pvp)

Covenant: Necrolords (Renown 30)

iLevel: 195 (Versatility 16% / Mastery 22%)

Legendary: Invoker's Delight (Rank 1)

Soulbind: Bonesmith Heimir (Xuen's Bond / Tumbling Technique / Fortifying Ingredients / Bone Marrow Hops)

RIO: 190

Raid prog: LFR 3/10.

Professions: Skinning (max) / Herbalism (149)

As the most recent alt project, only been level 60 for 13 days. Bit of a showcase of the spike you get in ilevel for finishing the covenant campaign and getting some jewelry through pvp. Technically not done with pvp and should farm a weapon for honor too, so it has something to do. Also did the dungeon weekly; got upgrades that replaced covenant armor but not terribly lucky with stats. Have managed to just do stuff as dps and not had to fall back on tanking in pve, which is nice.

Mostly pugged stuff or farmed stuff alone; but was in a group with wind/ulv for Torghast and 1 m+. Currently the most likely candidate as "the alt" based on the output it can do in m+, while also being able to flex to tank or heal if keys dry up as dps in later patches. Problem is the same as havoc dh however; is the melee tax too high to bother?

Adagabo (Twilight Hope)


Spec: Balance (main) / Guardian (off - pve) / Restoration (off - pvp)

Covenant: Night Fae (Renown 29)

iLevel: 198

Legendary: Balance of All Things (rank 1) / Ursoc's Fury Remembered (rank 1)

Soulbind: Marileth (Bone Marrow Hoops / Harm Denial)

RIO: 358

Raid prog: None.

Professions: Alchemy (max) / Herbalism (max)

This character I just lost interest in. I wanted to give it a last chance by doing the weekly dungeon event, but balance really isn't for me after the changes they did for shadowlands. And Guardian has kept the same fundamental issue of needing an external cooldown on pull to stay alive combined with generating little threat which makes it harder to play than other tanks while also being more annoying. Considering the class has multiple good specs at the moment it's a bit sad I don't enjoy it but here we are.

Serwa (Guildless)


Spec: Frost (main) / Arcane (off - pve) / Fire (off - pve)

Covenant: Venthyr (Renown 26)

iLevel: 205

Legendary: Icebringer (rank 4) - Frostburn (rank 1) - Incanter's Circlet (rank 1)

Soulbind: Nadjia (Icy Propulsion - Flow of Time - Tempest Barrier - Ice Bite)

RIO: 470

Raid prog: Normal (5/10) - Heroic (1/10)

Professions: Tailoring (max) / Enchanting (114)

This character has had the same fate as Adagabo. Was really interested in going hard with this character, but neither the character nor the plan on reaching goals worked out. As with the other alts I used the dungeon weekly event to get a good idea on how much I liked playing it. Unlike the other alts, this has a rank 4 legendary, has the needed conduits and had over 200 ilevel. And I did get some pretty good numbers for some of the dungeons I did (4 out of 5 were pug dungeons); the problem is how much you need the tank and other group members to behave in a stable manner to be usefull. There are few more frustrating feelings in wow when you pop all cds after tank seems to have found a spot, put out frozen orb and blizzard - then the tank or someone else takes them out of the aoe. Which means not only did you waste your cds to begin with, but getting big value from Icy Propulsion is off the table too. It got to the point I roasted some pugs who kept ring of peacing and typhooning things out of blizzard when I was tanking on Mimara, and then whined about the mage not being fire... I really enjoy the spec baseline, but now I just miss glacial spike from BFA. And the odds of doing low dungeons as fire and have someone pull around combustion as fire isn't big enough to warrant a covenant change to make the character an m+ spammer...

The second problem was the plan. This character is on a different realm than the rest, and was obviously in another guild that where I spend most of my time. In BFA that worked out okayish, they had set raid days, had set cliques that kept playing together so you had to get someone not in those cliques if you wanted to play (or beg to get in) and so on. So it was easy to deal with even if I was not on a lot. All of that changed in SL. The raid stuff changed about every 2 weeks; like 4 raid days the first 2 weeks, holiday break, normality for a few weeks, then exclude people for a tight team, then open up more... And a constant change of people who was in the guild. This is how I remember in ye olden days Fighting Mongooses was being like too; there were earthquakes from people trying to figure out how to approach the expansion. While Twilight Hope is approaching raids the exact same way it did the last 3 tiers. Its a bit hopeless to gear and fix all the borrowed power but never know if you can even sign, or if they hardcore their way out of the content the casual players would want. So this was more of a... lesson learned for me rather than a character thing, I guess.

Navarim (Guildless)


Spec: Destruction

Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 15)

iLevel: 159

Legendary: -

Soulbind: Pelagos (Ashen Remains / Diabolic Bloodstone)

RIO: -

Raid prog: None.

Professions: Tailoring (max) / Enchanting (75)

Well I am not sure I even logged this character since last post. Did not do the BG weekly event nor the dungeon one. Nor have I done the covenant campaign nor callings. Not even a glorified bank character since I am not even in town...

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