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My Shadowlands Season 1 Plans/Goals


So I have messed about on a bunch of my characters and done a bunch of content... And can revise my pre-Shadowlands plan a bit. To this.

Wutteät (main)

m+ goals:

Time every +15. With the focus on accomplishing that late in the patch after being geared, not spamming them undergeared with unfun gameplay. So I assume I will trail behind some guildies and do it with "wave 2" so to speak, or pug it.

Raid goals:

Curve and quit. No rewards from raiding except some legendary memories and getting progress. After clearing Heroic there will be no reason to keep going.

Soft goals:

At least one tank legendary rank 4.

At least one havoc legendary rank 4.

Renown 40.

Maw rep done (whatever the exalted equivalent is).

Adagabo (the Alt)

m+ goals:

Time every +10, in all 4 specs. Assume a mix of pugs, random guild runs and a couple of random community groups that isnt very serious.

Raid goals:

To get the memories from the raid, so LFR if they have 100% drop there.

Soft goals:

At least a rank 1 legendary for all 4 specs.

Renown 40.

Mimara (the Backup)

m+ goals:

Time every +10 (as tank). Or every +15 if doing it as paladin seems more reasonable than Demon Hunter. So some kind of mix like with Adagabo seems plausible.

Raid goals:

Dont think anything I want drops in raids, so goal will be to never set foot in one.

Soft goals:

A rank 1 protection legendary.

Inherit Wutteät's goals if the character focus for the +15s changes.

Season predictions:

Will play the entire season.

Will finish 15s in time much later than the people I usually play with.

Adagabo will have done the most keys at the end of the season (and possibly highest RIO).

Raids will have shrunk back to the normal size and I will keep raiding for the atmosphere afterall.

I will for the first time not touch horde at all for a full season.

I will ragequit the game after I try ptr for season 2 content.

And come back 12 days later.

Most played spec as seen on SL in review on RIO: Protection Paladin.

Most played with as seen on SL in review on RIO: Taralei.

Most played affixes as seen on SL in review on RIO: Fortified - Bursting - Volcanic.

Most played dungeon as seen on SL in review on RIO: Halls of Atonement.

Least played dungeon as seen on SL in review on RIO: Necrotic Wake.

Either mainswitched for raids in season 1 or switching for season 2.

Let's see how many of these I get right...

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