I've decided to change main back to my warlock! My oldest character that was created early in vanilla. I have switched between druid and warlock several times. The reason that I don't want to play druid again are:
* Noone invites a balance druid for anything. We aren't even good in aoe anymore. Even tough we can be useful in m+ for our utility kit. But people tend to only invite the highest dps classes.
- Feral is fun. But they are super bad now. Noone will ever invite me if I go feral.
- I am aways asked to heal. Healing is just too stressful for me. I do ok in raids, but healing m+ can really be a mess. Being a dps is just so much more fun, relaxing and rewarding.
- Warlocks are the only spellcaster that can do good damage in Uldir, and therefore I can get invited to pugs. They can also do really good damage on bosses in m+
I'm currently ilvl 344, and going into Uldir normal tonight with the guild. I'm super curious about how it will turn out. Right now, I am much more used to balance than affliction.