I have run a couple of dungeons with the new changes from the prepatch. So here is my opinions:
Balance druid feels kind of nice to play. It feels a bit faster than it used to. I don't miss the long casting time of the moon spells. But the downside is that i don't really do much AOE damage anymore. Starfall isn't as good as it used to. But my other spells are ok. I used to rock on sustained AOE. But now Im just "eh". It looks like I do a bit more damage in single target, though. Just compared to what I used to. Not compared to other classes. If I can manage to get my dps up, I will choose balance as main for BFA.
Resto druid don't feel as good as it used to. Since my rejuvenations lasts shorter, and my haste is lower, it takes so much time to keep those hots up. I really hate that I can't cast tranquility on the move any longer. But if I manage to stand still for the duration it is really powerful! I also hate that flourish is on the same row as germination. I kind of need both when i do m+.
When it comes to doing damage, I don't do as much as I used to swiping in cat form. But I love that my bleeds keep doing damage when I change back to caster form. Using moonfire in bear form is a bad idea. I generate too much threat when doing so.