We finally got it! The release date for the first content patch into Shadowlands! It happens the 30th june. I'm not too happy about the date, because the raid/m+ starts the week I start my vacation. I kind of want to spend more time with my family and less time in wow during vacation times. But it was about time. We have been stuck at the same content for months now. With nothing to do but grinding anima for stuff we never will have enough anima to buy.
Shadowlands for me has been both good and bad.
Good stuff
I like the fact that we actually goes to the land beyond the living
I love the themes and the graphics of the different covenants
I liked the quests and the story on my first playthrough
I liked the covenant campaign and renown increase THE FIRST TIME I played through one
I like the dungeons
I liked most of the Castle Nathria raid, except for the last boss
I am a bit afraid to mention it here. But I actually think that Torghast was a little bit of fun. (But it was not fun grinding it on several characters.)
I like sending companions out on missions
I like the amount of mounts in Shadowlands (but not the amount of recolored mounts)
I like convoke and soulshape. Who doesn't like them?
I can't say that I'm a super fan of the vault, but it is at least better than the weekly chest
Valor points to upgrade your m+ gear was a nice change
I liked the seasonal affix Prideful
Bad stuff
No new content for months
The anima currency feels bad. It is too expensive to buy stuff for anima.
Class imbalance in Torghast. Some classes get super cool abilities, some classes get boring, weak ones.
Legendaries. This is a big one for me. I like the idea of creating my own legendaries. But the material needed to learn to create the highest rank of the base items are just too much. I gave up farming there myself. The few ones that actually did sells their stuff very expensively. Which results in crazy prices. I had to buy wow tokens for real money for the first time in my wow history. I really don't like it. This expansion finally made wow into a pay to win game.
I don't like that the covenant system is bound to player power. I wanted to choose covenant based on the cosmetics and the theme. For my druid it worked out, since nighte fae was best for it. But my warlock cries in her sleep every night after going night fae.
I don't like the covenant sanctum upgrades. They cost way too much anima for way too little fun.
I don't like that the renown system allows you to buy new stuff with anima. That is no real reward.
I don't like the soulbinds. Stuff like this makes it hard to be able to optimize all your specs. There are only three soulbinds, and my druid has four specs I want to play. I don't think the soulbinds are fun at all. They are just another system that makes balancing classes harder, and does not add anything fun.
I don't like conduits. They are just a bad version of essences. Another system that doesn't add anything fun.
I don't like the fact that they always balance classes based on total damage in mythic raids. This will for instance mean that they care little that nerfing classes will make them worse in m+.
In the next patch they added a COOLDOWN to the balance druid's main aoe ability talent for starfall. So we actually got _one_ season with ok aoe. They are nerfing it because it was doing way too much damage on the council of blood mythic fight. Why not just nerf the radius of it, or some of the damage?
They actually managed to make affliction warlock worse to play than it was in BFA. Good job! The rotation is a minigame inside the game. Single target is ok. But if you add just one extra target, it feels really, really terrible.