My shadowlands experience:
Castle Nathria was the only raid I followed through the whole progression with the raid. I addition, I did pug some raids. The whole raid progression is just too slow for me, so I have trouble participating from start to end.
These are the equipment my highest characters had through the seasons. If they had actually showed what I had transmogged them too, it would have some meaning. These just look like random stuff added together. But they showed one thing, that I played a worgen druid (Ulveblomst) the whole expansion as my main.
No super big surprise here. It feels like I play resto druid more than balance. But I do play resto over a larger amount of time. The balance druid period was more intensive. Played all my druid and warlock specs, and even managed to do some on devestation evoker.
Season 1 was the only season I did not have any breaks in. Had only a small one in season 2, and then I really started to fall off.
It is very sad to see that I have only grouped with 13 affliction locks the whole expansion... so sad that one of my favorite specs was in a really bad position for so long.
I didn't really play in season 4. So this is the group composition for that one night we played the most dungeons.
An impressive 12 dungeons this season! 7 of them was this week with my evoker.
I played most of the season 4 dungeons once.
I did not play much in season 4. The first week was with Ulve, the one in october I tried out the new balance druid, and the last week was with Lava.
You can see my big break here.
Even had a small break in season 2.
This was the only season I did not have breaks in. But I did have some bad weeks.
This is mostly the group I had the one week I played Lavabloom. Note the fall in number of people I pushed keys with!