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Shadowlands Season 2 Summary


RIO been kind enough to do another Season In Review just to remind me how much time I have spent on the damned game again.

RIO Shadowlands Season 2 In Review

The Raiding

"The less said about the raiding this tier the better... Just leaving the numbers." I said last season. This season it got worse.

Killed more heroic bosses, but less normal bosses. Presumably because we did Nathria on normal a few weeks after clearing it for gearing the less active raiders if I remember correctly. And we had some more raids after clearing heroic Sanctum, so made up for the raid breaks I had.


Proof that I did the whole "all specs" thing. Protection paladin catching up with BM Hunter bit of a surprise. If the season had lasted another two months or something, might even have taken over as most played spec.

The obvious takeaway is that I did 145 more dungeons than last season, which already had a degenerate amount of dungeons done. Habit are still most of them. But due to state of both the world and myself I have become that guy I saw a youtube video about that had played through the original Castlevania every day for the last 30 years or something as a mind reset. I have done the same with Sanguine Depths and Theater of Pain. The fact that the patch didn't have anything worth doing outside keys meant a vast majority of my playtime was keys, too.

This is the most interesting graph to me of this whole thing. Halls of Atonement fell from grace and fell from 1st to 5th. While Sanguine and Theater jumped up to take the lead. Both of those have a vast majority of the aforementioned habit/comfort runs, would guess half of them are like +2 to +6 runs.

The least surprising ranking. Tara played all season, and was usually in my group, Urzien's group or whatever other group formed. Urzien did not play at the start of season nor at the end. Aathma played a bunch of alts, and mostly seemed to be in the groups Urzien or I made. Ulveblomst had a long break, and also played an alt a lot. Alshah was a bit surprising, but I guess the Taralei-Urzien-Alshah triumvirate group was made enough to push Kalthalos and others out. But it's nice that the group didn't end up so stale it would just be a carbon copy of last season.

Start of season 2 predictions

Had a bunch of predictions again, which I had forgotten about. Here they are.

Will play the entire season.

Had two breaks that made me miss a few resets, so this did not hold this time around.

Will finish 15s in time within 10 weeks.

Got KSM 6th week of patch, 5th week of season.

Wutteät will have done the most keys at the end of the season (and possibly highest RIO).

Both correct.

Will tank some raids, and dislike it enough to avoid it for a new 10 year period.

Tanked exactly one raid, the first normal raid. Not a fan, mostly due to being boring. Especially when the raid is 4 hours.

Will mostly play horde back end of season, since people drop out fast.

People actually held on a lot longer than expected. Some quit early, but a lot of people lasted until december. I played a bit of Ghoset for a while when guild activity dwindled, but no other characters was leveled.

I will ragequit the game after I try ptr for season 3 content.

The season 3 content seemed so boring I never tried PTR except log on and check out the vendor and do the new zone unlock. So never got to the rage part.

And come back 12 days later.

I would if I actually did the content, but no.

Most played spec as seen on SL in review on RIO: Vengeance Demon Hunter.

Won by 54 dungeons over Protection paladin.

Most played with as seen on SL in review on RIO: Taralei (due to only playing one character).

A 30 run lead on Urzien, so was a safe prediction.

Most played affixes as seen on SL in review on RIO: One with Volcanic.

This season's review did not contain a graph on affixes, sadly.

Most played dungeon as seen on SL in review on RIO: Halls of Atonement.

96 Halls of Atonements done, to 132 Sanguine Depths, so no.

Least played dungeon as seen on SL in review on RIO: Plaguefall.

66 runs of Plaguefall, 15 runs behind Necrotic Wake on the spot over.

Play Demon Hunter for the entire raid season after finding out doing Torghast on two characters is a no go, and the base legendary items costs and arm and a leg.

I wish this was correct :(

Have all classes at 60 except priest and rogue at the end of the season.

Did not hold, both priest and rogue got leveled to check the specs on the altoholic meter in this here review.

Tierlist on specs

Last but not least, I made a tier list with a prediction on where the different specs would end up. It was based on old RIO scoring so the numbers don't hold up, but ranks are ranks.

Most of the bottom specs like the rogue and priest ones ended up where they belonged. That I would end up with 4 characters with KSM bit more of a shock. And almost as much of a shock was getting both Death Knight and Warlock to 1700 character rating, mostly through pugging. Mage and Monk fell from grace again.

Top three "fun" specs were Vengeance Demon Hunter, Protection Paladin and Blood Death Knight.

I spent a lot of time on the game this season and it obviously shows. And I doubt I will never see it's like again, simply because it would be impossible even for me during a normal world to keep interest enough to prioritize it and/or simply have enough time to do so.

Top 3 positive things of the season:

Playing with the consistent group (Ulve, Tara, Aathma plus one) during the good m+ weeks.

Not really needing to do the new content so could focus on doing the stuff I enjoyed.

Being able to actually experiment with all the specs, something I have tried to do since Vanilla.

Top 3 negative things of the season:

Just 8 dungeons

The domination shards

Group making "drama"

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