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Shadowlands Season 3 Character Summary


So this is the last "proper" week of the season, and I guess that makes next week post-season. What characters ended up being hits in a bad season? Ranked by RIO, since that was still on the agenda this season.

Wutteät the Cryptic

Night Elf Demon Hunter

The intended main this season. But since the joy of guild m+ died early on, and the need to pug for score and vault died with it the char fizzled out. Got myself KSM by pugging at some point, and had some retries to mesh with guild group and was the last sort of hurrah at the very end to bump up my score from just above 2500.

Still fun, will play more. Also is decked out with good secondary stats at this point.


Guild: House of Small Gods

Mainspec: Vengeance

Offspec(s): Havoc

Covenant(s): Kyrian (80), Night Fae (80), Venthyr (63)

iLevel mainspec: 277

Main mainspec legendary: Darkglare Waistband/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 2662

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 12 520

Professions: Enchanting (max) & Leatherworking (max)

Dominator the Seeker

Human Paladin

Started out as a joint m+ main, and ended up with better gear, and did a +18 that my DH never got around to. And some decimals better gear.

The haste at the end of the expansion made prot a bit more fun to play, but still feel like it's a shell compared to the BFA prot pala. But during some affix sets the prot toolbox is just way to good to not have a pocket prot pala...

Decent gear, but did not get a scale this season. But with current dungeon scaling, having it as an extra defensive is not really needed anymore.


Guild: House of Small Gods

Mainspec: Protection

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Kyrian (80), Venthyr (80)

iLevel mainspec: 277

Main mainspec legendary: Seal of Righteous Fury/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 2600

Raid prog: 1/11 Heroic

Valor earned: 12 875

Professions: Enchanting (max) & Herbalism (max)

Viator the Darkener

Blood Elf Paladin

When I left TH, this was like the kneejerk replacement character. Was very lucky with drops/vault, and if I had bothered to finish the character off would prolly be my best geared one.

Belf racial is just so good in the pug world, as so many dpsers are allergic or don't pay attention to offensive dispells, if the group even has any that can. So having the option of taking away the really important ones is a godsend.


Guild: Enraged Rubber Ducks

Mainspec: Protection

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Kyrian (80)

iLevel mainspec: 274

Main mainspec legendary: Seal of Righteous Fury/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 2405

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 13 370

Professions: Mining (max) & Jewelcrafting (max)

Ghoset the Astral Walker

Blood Elf Demon Hunter

Dabbled in playing this 3 seasons in a row now. This season, not the best luck with drops. Not having anything to upgrade with valor makes it less fun to play, especially with uncapped valor so dropped in priority.


Guild: Enraged Rubber Ducks

Mainspec: Vengeance

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Kyrian (80)

iLevel mainspec: 265

Main mainspec legendary:

RIO (end of season 3): 2027

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 10 195

Professions: Enchanting (max) & Leatherworking (max)

Esmënet the Tormented

Dark Iron Hunter

An afterthought this season. I started playing this one again since having BL is in constant demand. But continued because playing BM most places is just so easy, it's just autopilot stuff. So having an easy dps I might dabble on to get a dps pov in the new m+ dungeon set that has a reason to get into pug groups seems like a good idea. And can do survival if FOTMing at any given point.

Did 2 guild keys in HoSG, and 5ish keys with Urzien/Caco alts as semi pugs. Otherwise everything is pugged. BM is fairly "dead" in the eyes of the public, but I was top dps in every run until I was beaten by a destro lock in HoA +14.

Did not manage to get the "geared" status of everything being 272+, but should at least be able to get into some kind of key at the start of the season.


Guild: House of Small Gods

Mainspec: Beast Mastery

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Night Fae (80), Kyrian (80), Necrolords (?)

iLevel mainspec: 266

Main mainspec legendary: Cloak of the Master Rylakstalker/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 2316

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 12 265

Professions: Engineering (81/100) & Alchemy (max)

Stormlufser the Awakened

Dwarf Shaman

The designated raid character. Showed up for raids, did 4 dungeons a week mostly. Liked enhance this patch. But sort of the character that symbolises me getting tired of the guild. So after 10 weeks of active duty, it was left by the wayside.


Guild: -

Mainspec: Enhancement

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Night Fae (80), Venthyr (80), Kyrian (80), Necrolords (80)

iLevel mainspec: 269

Main mainspec legendary: Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 2171

Raid prog: 11/11 Normal, 2/11 Heroic

Valor earned: 7 500

Professions: Skinning (max) & Herbalism (max)

Hollowfury the Faceless One

Human Death Knight

This was a pocket pick, as it was a contender for the fotm tank of the season. Which it ended up being. What is also is, is incredibly dull with the tier set. Don't get me wrong, it's really good, but anything that promotes just hard spamming a button is not something I want to play a lot.

Extremly well geared from drops, but the aforementioned dull playstyle made me bored of it and played something I found more fun instead of topping the character up.


Guild: Getting charter signed since forever

Mainspec: Blood

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Venthyr (80), Night Fae (80), Necrolords (80), Kyrian (80)

iLevel mainspec: 269

Main mainspec legendary: Waistguard of the Crimson Rune/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 2008

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 7 790

Professions: Herbalism (max) & Mining (max)

Ihnanna, Sword of the Primus

Human Monk

An interlude character - the new guild wanted me to play something for alt keys that wasn't my main, so this is what I did. But interest waned fast, melee dps does not interest me. Prefer most other tank specs to brew this expansion. Mistweaver was ok, and would play more but other characters simply appealed more when logging on to pug.

Unlucky with gear, so has just been sitting on a lot of valor with nothing to spend it on too, which is disheartening.


Guild: House of Small Gods

Mainspec: Mistweaver

Offspec(s): Windwalker - Brewmaster

Covenant(s): Necrolords (80), Venthyr (80), Kyrian (80)

iLevel mainspec: 257

Main mainspec legendary: Invoker's Delight/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 1315

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 6 135

Professions: Skinning (max) & Herbalism (max)

Adagabo the Faceless One

Night Elf Druid

Played to test the set compared to other tanks. Didn't really get drops that could get feasibly upgraded, so have not spent any valor. Was also kinda lame to play, as vengeance DH could do the bear pulls more consistently. It's all fun and games with spamming Thrash during incarn/ravenous frenzy and then you have a lull.

Thankfully I dropped this char early on.


Guild: -

Mainspec: Guardian

Offspec(s): -

Covenant(s): Night Fae (80), Venthyr (80)

iLevel mainspec: 256

Main mainspec legendary: Ursoc's Fury Remembered/Unity

RIO (end of season 3): 1206

Raid prog: -

Valor earned: 3 980

Professions: Herbalism (80) & Alchemy (80)


While I played a lot less alts (and less in general) the amount of alts is still a bit stupid. The fact that several of them are *very* nearly geared but not actually finished gearing is even more stupid.

Overall, just having a vengeance dh and prot pala for tanking, and one dps backup was a good idea. Could just get the 2 vault slots every week on both tanks, and then do more on one depending on affix sets. The dps *needed* to do stuff this season since raid prog, but after that I could just leave it be if I didn't feel like playing it.

Upcoming season I'm assuming I will have the same idea (vdh + prot pala + bm hunter), but perhaps less need to test the other classes. Which will reduce the degenerate amount of dungeons done and the amount of semi geared characters.


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