We cleared Torghast Twisting corridors yesterday! That gave us the cool mount that is usable in the Maw! Yay! Not that my druid needs it because of travel form, but it will be useful for other characters. And it is a mount! We had to do 18 floors x 8 layers to complete it. I did it with my husband, the monk Windhoek. We cleared it after two weeks.
I did the first floor as resto because I had read that resto wasn't too bad for Torghast, and the mobs has less life when you didn't bring a dps. But I did so little damage, and Wind didn't need any healing.
I did the second layer as balance. But Wind got so many crazy powers that I didn't have time to do any damage. I did well on the bosses, but that many floors it is not a fun experience to just run around without doing anything.
The next layer I chosed feral. It was so much more fun. I could at least get some swipes and attacks out before the mobs died. My damage on the bosses was lower, but it was a much better experience. Torghast is definitely not class balanced. The monk anima powers are just crazy, the druid anima powers are not. I like it anyway, but wish that I could also get some crazy powers.
The only time we used up all our lives was on the last layer, on the last boss. I don't know what we could have done different, because the boss killed us super quick. We tried one more time right after, and that boss was very easy. So I guess we were just unlucky on the first try.
After doing Torghast as feral, I actually did my first m+ as feral in Shadowlands. It was super duper fun! It was only a +5, so stuff died pretty fast. I think I will continue to choose feral when we do low keys and I am not healing.