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Taking a little break

Writer's picture: RutheRuthe

The time for me to take a little break has come. Sometimes the game just gets too much time consuming, so I need to step down for a little while. It has been a very interesting period this time, playing on the alliance side. And with a good guild we managed to do a lot of mythic plus! Here are how my 120 characters looks like right now:

My alliance characters:

Solena, my main right now. Night elf balance druid with a resto off spec.

Merektha, my dark iron dwarf elemental shaman.

Yazma, my worgen warlock who just got her crown!

Horde characters that I haven't played in a while:

Trollblomst, used to be my horde main. Has been balance, resto and feral.

Ruthe, undead affliction warlock. The first character I leveled to 60 in vanilla. Has been my main for a while.

Azraella, blood elf frost mage. Haven't played her much at max level.

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