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The new project


Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Since the "play every spec in the game in a key in one season" goal is done, it's on to the next thing. I have always wondered about if I could get away with playing a "reasonable" amount of hours each week and still do everything and be decently geared. Ever since I started doing endgame content again in BFA, /played on individual characters often spiral out of control or stagnate. And every season I tell myself this time I will smooth the progress out. But the constant peer pressure of rushing for fastest possible m+ and raid progress spirals the mains out of control, and I have this really bad habit on repeating main stuff on alts. I have an idea for 9.2, but I will use the rest of this season to do a testrun for that idea and do some refinements.

The three questions I want answered is:

How far can I get playing 3-4 hours a week for 2 months with no networking?

How much farther can I get doing raid in guild + 3-4 hours outside it with networking for 2 months?

What meaningful choices (the SL theme) do I make with my time when it is limited?

To answer these questions I have picked two characters I will play for a limited amout the next 8 resets. They are the first choice for next season too with some caveats. For example if there's 4 warlocks in the raid group out of 12 raiders, it's obviously quite dumb to pick that character as the raiding one. Not that any warlocks stick, so might be good idea regardless...?

Ghoset, Vice Duck of the Enraged Rubber Ducks

My only level 60 on Horde. This character will be my 3-4 hours a week with no networking character. The risk of polluting the project by playing with friends (none of them plays horde anymore), a guild consisting of me, and on a low population realm makes this ideal. Some cheating is involved since I already know most dungeon stuff and such as Vengeance Demon Hunter, but would have to be at the start of the expansion for this experience to be pure that way.

Last reset I spread out the time over a few days and it got a little messy. This reset I went so far as to start a timer and think about what to do beforehand. Which was:

*Korthia+World Boss+Tormentors: About 1 hour.

*Pug 4x keys in the 2-6 Bracket: A little under 2 hours.

*A layer 9 Torghast run: about 30 minutes.

*Some crafting/AHing/callings: 15-20 minutes.

I will track this character every week to make a weekly post again. So this is the starting point:


Covenant: Kyrian (Renown 72)

Main spec: Vengeance (218 iLevel) [703.7 score]

Offpsec: Havoc (218 iLevel) [0.0 score]

Main Secondaries: Versatility (13%) & Haste (17%)

Legos: Reckless Grasp of Fiery Soul (rank 3)

Raid Prog: -

Professions: Leatherworking (max) & Skinning (max)

Plans for next reset:

*4x pug keys in the 2-8 bracket as vengeance, only scoring runs.

*Korthia+World Boss+Tormentors.

*One Torghast run for ash to craft the legendary as bracers instead.

*Swap out professions for herbalism/alechemy.

Navarim, Member Alt of Twilight Hope

The Warlock that could? During the previous project, Warlock somewhat surprisingly stood out as one of the three classes in the game I was interested in playing all 3 specs of. Thinking about it, Warlock is also the only character I have never done any "proper" endgame with; no high keys nor even alt raiding in the 17 years the game has been out. It is also in the guild with my main characters, on alliance, and the raid has just opened up for alts for early bosses. So the time has finally come to play it.

I have not kept to the rule of 3-4 hours and raid this reset, simply because I needed to get a legendary, have the right conduits and covenant, have ok ilevel and so on. So not really tested what felt naturally to do on this one yet. My cheat week has consisted of:

*Korthia+World Boss+Tormentors.

*Wing 1+4 of LFR Sanctum, first 4 bosses in Heroic Sanctum.

*5x Layer 9 in Torghast.

*11x m+ Keys, ranging from +2 to +16.

Starting point:


Covenant: Night Fae (Renown 71) & Kyrian (Renown 80)

Main spec: Demonology (233 iLevel) [1015.5 score]

Offpsec: Destruction (233 iLevel) [915.2 score] & Affliction (228 iLevel) [97.5 score]

Main Secondaries: Haste (6%) & Mastery (46%)

Legos: Wilfred's Wristwraps of Superior Summoning (rank 6), Cindercloak of the Azj'Aqir (rank 3), Relic of Demonic Synergy (rank 2).

Raid Prog: Heroic Sanctum 4/10, 10/10 LFR Sanctum

Professions: Tailoring (max) & Inscription (99/100)

Pic of the week:

How far we got with alts this week in the raid; spent a lot of time on Sylvanas first. DPS leaves a lot to be desired on this fight in particular, I'm trying a lot of gate, circle, soulshape stuff to get more uptime but made a complete mess of it on both this and the Eye of Odin.

Plans for next reset:

*If raid with alts happen, do 3-6 bosses in Sanctum.

*See if I can get into any guild groups as Warlock during the week, no matter the key.

*Spend rest of time on monday or tuesday on pug keys of whatever level.

How I think this project will go

In the current expansion, raids feels like a waste of time for gearing. Unless it's mythic where you can get 252 with domination sockets this patch, or you are gearing and are good enough to do the entire heroic raid undergeared. Or get people to run you through the place I suppose. So my current theory would be that the power level of the characters will not be great. However, right now Navarim has a significant item lead and the raid is cleared so getting at least some early heroic bosses is possible. On the flip side, people are playing less so sneaking into guild groups on the character will be harder than usual. So the possibility of getting a lot of higher keys and such is lower than it would at the start of a patch. Meaning I will "cap" possible gear faster. Which will be 240-245 I assume.

On the other hand, if I am to raid on Ghoset, it will cut into the 3-4 hours, and it would be pug raiding. So would assume Navarim would simple do more kinds of content with the time alloted, while Ghoset has to do less keys to do LFR, normal or whatever which does not seem like a good idea.

So my prediction:

Ghoset will be closer in iLevel, but still more than 5 iLevels behind.

Navarim will have dipped into more content.

Navarim will have more progress on alt specs.

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