I really missed my horde characters. And I have unlocked so much with them. To truly feel at home on the alliance side, I decided to bring my two horde mains here. Ruthe, my first character to reach level 60 in vanilla. And Trollblomst that was created in TBC. Ruthe has mainly been my raider. While Trollblomst has been my main between raids. It is so nice to grind stuff with a druid with insta flight form and stealth. And it is nice to be able to help out with healing once in a while. Ruthe went from undead to void elf. And Trollblomst turned into Ulveblomst as a worgen.
But after I started to play them, I kind of regretted it. Because I have lost all my horde related progress with them. And I had to unlock everything again at the alliance side.
Yazma and Tendricula has been my mains after I changed to alliance. But I guess they are both going to take a long vacation when shadowlands opens. Currently they are my best geared characters, so I will still play them in the prepatch to come. I got bold and changed Yazma back to affliction. Has done som keys with her, and the 5 masks runs. She is doing ok, but a bit lower than the others. Tendricula has been healing. And we even managed to do a +18 in time this week!