This week I played up my shaman to level 60. I tried out both resto and elemental. I am ok with elemental, but need to learn how all the totems works for resto, and when to use what. It was very refreshing to do something new.
We had good progress this week too. Two more 15s in time! The other side and Theatre of pain. My highest timed TOP was an 11, so I was very surprised we managed to do it. I don't think I've ever played the last boss as good as we did. Not sure I got hit by anything bad, and that's very rare! Guess we were really concentrating.
I also tried to heal a spires 15. It went pretty well until the last boss. It was tyrannical, and my cooldowns were already used by the angel mobs before it, so I didn't manage to keep people alive. I think some of us were a bit tired too, so we (including me) didn't seem to be able to avoid getting unnecessary damage. When we got over the time, spawned a pride and had bloodlust, we managed to get it down in the end. Even though only the tank (wuttëat) was alive. Not the first time bosses has ended this way.
covenant: Necrolord
legendaries: none
Elemental and resto
I've been switching between elemental and resto. Did most time walking dungeons as resto, and most of the leveling and quests as elemental.
15* De other side (progress)
16 Mists (highest key, but not highest score)
15* Theatre of pain (progress)
8 Castle Nathria heoric bosses
Resto druid
15 spires (healing progress)
14* necrotic wake (progress)
1 Castle Nathria boss (sun king)
Maw stuff and elites
Ruthe has only been farming the bat mount and the new Karazhan mount this week (without luck)