Since my alt projects kinda faded out, time for more frequent main updates. The last two weeks how I played changed a great deal. I had a couple of weeks of 2 m+ options on the main and 1 option on the alts... And all my characters started stagnating. And the Maw has sailed up as the only place where you can see your progression essentially, so have started doing that as the side activity. But instead of *doing* something when online, Shadowlands has become Warlords of Draenor where I afk in Oribos 90% of the time online. Somewhat amusing.
m+ goals:
m+ also became more of a throwback to earlier seasons of BFA instead of just a copy of season 4 again. The expansion has been out so long playtime and interest seems lower for a lot of people, there is some kind of relation mapping that needs to be done to not have 2 people is somewhat annoyed at each other. So whipping up a group has been hard the last couple of weeks when it comes to at least having a group atmosphere that I'd like.
Week 9 was Storming, Inspiring, Fortified. Unlike the last fortified week we played good this one, and the super secret premade got a 14 timed and got a decent attempt at Sanguine Depths 15 (just over a minute over). Played some with other constellations of people and got RIO here and there. This was actually the most annoying week so far to play as a tank for me; trying to have control of mobs with lots of storming and random inspiring mobs that prevents sigils from working and such on pull... Not fun. Was really hard on focus, so more than 2 push keys in a row started to be unfun.
Week 10 was Bursting, Explosive, Tyrannical. Ended up being one of the few Tyrannical weeks much score was had. Highlights were timing our first 15 (a Spires) and an honest attempt at DOS 15 (missed by under a minute). We only did the super secret premade group one night (where we timed spires) but the ask in guild group that did the DOS did very well too. As a tank this week was very chill for me; if dps mismanages bursting it's a healer problem and not my fault; and trying to hit some explosives in melee isn't much more job than managing a trash pull anyway - the ranged has to catch the out of reach ones.
During the last couple of fortified weeks I have suspected Halls of Atonement and Spires of Ascension being much more lenient on the timer for tyrannical than fortified and week 10 kinda confirmed it was true. Not sure I can say the same about any other dungeons for our group, even if having two boomies on tyrannical seems better than two boomies on fortified in general. Might be this fortified week will prove me wrong again but hey.
A really bad screenshot of the weekly highlight after the fact, see the Ulveblomst screenshot in that weekly update for a more relevant one :)
Our current "nemesis" dungeon seems to be just this one, Theater of Pain. Haven't actually timed a key in there over 11; for some reason we have always rounded out night with a TOP run, someone does a mistake early and focus for the entire group ends up on another continent instantly. As someone who hates Necrotic Wake but has a 12++ in there having TOP being difficult is fairly annoying. Right now it feels like we are so far off timing this on a 15 while everything else is close, so need to figure out something in here.
Raid goals:
In raiding, in the first reset we killed Council as progress fairly quickly and did a bunch of Sludgefist pulls. Just as on normal he was fairly annoying, which was to be expected. What I didn't expect was to have to argue with someone during it. Which led to me questioning why I even raid; there is nothing to be gained from the raid when it comes to character power and we have the done place for 10 weeks and still have a few weeks of progress left most likely since we reclear every week.
So I took a break last raid while they got Sludgefist down. And still don't really know why I should raid again this tier; after 2 months it seems I just burn out every tier when it comes to raiding. I guess I will try to make it to Curve again, but next tier set some kind of time limit and take what I get from that.
Soft Goals
So I got enough Soul Ash to get my dps legendary to rank 4. So technically I can skip Torghast for a while now. Question is if the next patch will have the same soul ash structure for higher ranks or if some kind of increase in cost and drops so stockpiled currency will be useless.
Reached Cordial with Ve'nari, and bought enough conduit to upgrade everything but the 2 potency conduits I actually use to 213. So odds are I will use all my Stygia to get those 2 to 226 until I get to whatever the reputation rank after Cordial is called. So socketing anything this season and have that gear be relevant seems... Unlikely. Not that I have anything to socket at the moment anyway.
Renown is at 32; there is a final row upgrade for Kleia this week but I never use that soulbind it seems so the need to rush through renown on wednesday to get a power upgrade is over. Gonna assume they just add 20 to 40 ranks each patch and hide more stuff behind them, like flying, flightmaster whistle and the like. So getting to 40 is needed, but kinda just finish that naturally by doing maw and m+ anyway.
Spec: Vengeance (m+) / Havoc (raid)
Covenant: Kyrian (renown 32)
iLevel: 218 Vengeance / 217 Havoc
Legendaries: Reckless Grasp of Fiery Soul (rank 4) / Collective Anguish (rank 4) / Defiler's Lost Legguards (rank 1)
Soulbind: Pelagos (Repeat Decree / Fel Defender / Growing Inferno / Viscous Ink)
RIO: 1115.2 (Tank: 1115.2 / DPS 799.6)
Professions: Enchanting (max) / Leatherworking (max)
Ve'nari: Cordial.
Timed 15s: 1/8.
Heroic CN: 7/10.
Expectations for next week
*RIO: 1000+.
*Heroic CN: 8/10.
*Timed 15s: 1/8.
*iLevel: 219 Vengeance / 218 Havoc.
*Renown: 36.
*Ve'nari: Cordial