I'm just going to call the last reset the "burnout" week. While people have been losing interest over time, the week felt like a tipping point. Been several times I've been the only online late afternoon, some nights had only 2-4 people on and so on. Some of the m+ crowd has become increasingly frustrated with everything, and the week started like that and then ended with a lot of the more stable people just doing other things. And this burnout includes me, I'm just hoping to get the remaining 15s done this week and then just raidlog and perhaps do keys one night a week from next reset.
m+ goals:

This week went a bit better than expected. 45ish score, and managed to get 10 14s done for 3 vault option. My anguish was lessened somewhat, as I finally got new leggings - but obviously with Crit/Mastery - considering there are 4 possible leggings and I got the only really bad ones (just like with boots) the whole season has seemed like a bunch of upgrades but didn't read the small print.
The affixes were tyrannical - raging - quacking. Since I don't really pull super big, trash was pretty easy this week and only really had issues if everything hit raging at the same time. Having 2 soothes in group also helps a lot with the really troublesome mobs that does aoe damage. So it was mostly fine again until you run into a tyrannical brick wall where people randomly get clocked by mechanics and unable to ress them. And then you don't have pride/bloodlust for the next attempt.
The best part of the week however was that we timed 2 more 15s.

I was expecting De Other Side to go allright, but that we would beat the timer by 4 minutes even without onephasing last boss I wasn't really expecting. We also did the trash too fast at the start, so the opening bloodlust on trash meant it wasn't back up before last 30% of hakkar or something.

I was NOT expecting to time Theater of Pain after all the horrible runs we have had in there, and personally think the affixes we had is horrid to make it extra depressing. However, while we did some mistakes we recovered from them on the platforms - and I think the small route adjustment I made to have pride + lust on the worst boss in there helped a lot so the run just didn't crash there. I did the cardinal sin of looking at the timer when boss was at 25% and paniced a bit when we got the beam + ghost stampede spawning right after, but nobody died so we timed with less than 5 seconds left on the clock... Odds of me going back in here this season is pretty slim, I must admit. At least on tyrannical.
We also tried Mists of Tirna Scithe +16 and was fine when going into last boss, but wiped once, clowned on the pride we spawned before attempt 2 and ended up going 7 minutes over. So while every other high dungeon run with the "normal" group was fine, got the good old tyrannical brick wall as is the tradition in the end.
did not do any keys as Havoc last week; I was going to do some for the last vault option but doing that on a tuesday with a swarm of people wanting vault thingies is not easy. We did a guild group for one 14 late tuesday night, but missed a healer or dps so we had to pug one, and it was a 14 - and we listed missing one dps for a Halls. I think there were like 40 queued people within 10 seconds, it was just bizarre - and a lot of them had 1500+ rio and 220+ ilevel. Yeah you ain't gonna get into groups as dps on tuesday night for the big payout dungeons.
Raid goals:
We barely had any progress on Sire, and the reclear of the raid was pretty much a lot of sharded gear. I did however get a 3 ilevel upgrade on gloves (but with crit/mastery) for my havoc set but eh.
Soft Goals:

Torghast was done this week, need another 4 weeks for cap it looks like. And since Elysian Decree is getting a nerf next patch upgrading the Elysian Decree legendary is not tempting. Torghast is also the best sleep medicine I know of, so have started doing it the last thing I do before bed some days. Arguably the best part of it.
Upgraded another 4 conduits, but none of them were any of the 4 I actually use. So the dream of getting them early so I could start saving up for sockets is dead. If I am max unlucky I need another 2,5 resets or something to get all conduits upgraded. But since I STILL don't have anything I'd like to socket I guess it's not the end of the world.
Gearing was only the vault piece for tank upgrade, and the raid gloves as a very slight dps upgrade. The only dungeon drop I can get that is an upgrade now is helm, and raid can have helm/weapon/neck. Otherwise it's just vault.
Renown 36. Pretty much does itself by now and just getting 40 to be "done" is a reward in itself I suppose. A cross off the list.
Spec: Vengeance(m+)/Havoc (raid).
Covenant: Kyrian (renown 36).
iLevel: 220 Vengeance / 219 Havoc.
Legendaries: Reckless Grasp of Fiery Soul (rank 4) / Collective Anguish (rank 4) / Defiler's Lost Legguards (rank 1).
Soulbind: Pelagos (Repeat Decree / Fel Defender / Growing Inferno / Viscous Ink).
RIO: 1265.7 (Tank: 1265.7 / DPS: 799.6).
Professions: Enchanting (max) / Leatherworking (max).
Ve'nari: Cordial.
Timed 15s: 6/8.
Heroic CN: 9/10.
Expectations for next week
RIO: 1290+.
Heroic CN: 9/10.
Timed 15s: 8/8.
iLevel: 221 Vengeance / 220 Havoc.
Renown: 38.
Ve'nari: Cordial.
This reset will have fortified/bursting/volcanic which was pretty easy in week 1 of the season; now being pretty well geared and with a decent group timing the 2 15s we need SHOULD be easy - the problem will be getting them, and have them on actual group members. I have a planned group for 2 of the first 3 days of the reset, will see where we stand after that. Getting 10 keys done for vault also seems like it will be required for key fishing so that will come "free"...
In the raid, I assume there will be little to no progress; I do not envy the people in charge having to deal with strategy and deciding what to do for raid nights. Reclear where practically nobody (besides the odd drop or an undergeared member showing up) wants the gear and just get 1-2 hours on sire p1 again or bang head against wall on sire for 4 hours with only repair costs to show for it. The most exciting thing for raid at this point is what the signups will look like from week to week...
Gear upgrade will be vault or bust again I guess. Very slight chance of a raid drop upgrade, but it will also just be marginal.