So the epilogue raid for season 1 is over, and the people that joined the m+ groups I made when tanking have KSM, Wutteät is now taking a vacation in Nagrand like some of my other characters. I hope to not touch the character again next season, but if guild tanks dry up again there might not be a choice.
The Epilogue Raid
So that happened. According to the guild message of the day, it took 119 wipes before we got it. So exactly twice the number of attempts I was guessing at. Nobody logged this raid as far as I know, but as I remember it, nobody had died when phase 3 started. So instead of attempt over if a tank just got ran over by a train, there was a res. And more dps just at the start of the phase. Must admit I didn't really feel much joy, just relief that it was done, and the guild can say it has curve again. On Jaina, I was on the floor. On Azshara, I was on the floor. On Nzoth, I was not there. So I was both there and alive for the first time in the guild endboss prog cycle. Out of 18 weeks of raiding, I missed week of sludgefist hc prog kill, last week's raid and one normal clear if I remember it right. Think it's been my most attended raid tier so far. Which is ironic.
Think leading up to the last fight, we oneshot the skip bosses with 2 healers. Just as a good summary of the raid, I was the worst dps on all those bosses. While I have a lot of opinions on raid management, I'm going to put the blame mostly on a lot of regulars not really doing well this tier, mostly from being bad specs, in a patch that feels very badly balanced in raid. I did really well the last two tiers, while two of the frost mages in the raid were also pretty good the last two tiers, yet were as bad or worse than me on most progress fights. In BFA it felt a lot of the regulars kinda made up for whatever the raidlog once a month people did, or various mechanical challenges or lack of healer issues or whatever. This tier, we were part of the problem. And I fell the most, it feels like.
So yeah, not gonna bother playing Havoc with how the spec currently works in raid and how they seem to design fights. Perhaps they will change both later in the expansion, but eh.
As a summary of how rewarding raiding was this tier, the one item I wanted from it has never dropped for me in raid nor appeared in the vault, neither for normal nor heroic. At the same time, I on purpose have kept myself demoted in the guild with bad jokes, but it has no guild repair allowance, so this whole thing has been strict expense. Let's just forget it was a thing, shall we? And hope for better days next tier...