Once I was "done" with Wutteät, I made some criteria for making new posts instead of weekly spam about the same old thing - goals for alts. As the first one that got these, it was a paladin. Perhaps not that much of a shocker...
Goal 1 + 2: Time all dungeons on 10 or higher + iLevel 236 or higher
For goal 1 (timing 10s), I "cheated" a bit - I think 6 out of 8 dungeons I had Urzien in the group, a couple had Tara in them and a couple of them had full guild groups even. So it was only Theater of Pain and Necrotic Wake that I joined a pure pug for. And for those I was way overgeared in the end.
For goal 2 (gear), that was quite easy as I have been pretty damn lucky on this character. I got a 242 Scale and Weapon in the vault, and got drops that were worth spending valor on all around. There's currently a 220 neck, 220 legs and a 226 trinket dragging the overall iLevel down. I'll keep doing 1 key a week just to see if I luck out on filling the slots, and do keys if there's guildies doing 10-15s I could join. But not really important.
Goal 3: A score on all specs for the character
Protection as main spec was not surprising. As for Holy and Retribution, my other paladin was meant to do those. So hadn't really picked up reasonable weapons and trinkets. And just did one run on each to get another couple specs crossed off on the "season in review" thing on rio.
Protection was pretty fun this season; the nerf to white hits from trash on fortified together with the scaling compared to power gains meant less kiting or random single trashmob hitting your for half your health. With BoP, Freedom, offheals and so many kicks it still feels very good to pug on compared to all other tanks.
Retribution is just sad. The fact I had to use a 194 weapon didn't help, and using no items in Wake as a pug dps and not knowing when they would be used even less. Even less fun that playing Havoc Demon Hunter.
Holy has lots of buttons, so when the dungeon started I was on board. But the tank was made out of paper even for a +2, and even then heals outside wings didn't do all that much even being in the 230s myself. Wouldn't mind spending more time on this spec, but sure as hell am not going to learn it in pugs. And with other keys being 15s or higher done in guild at the moment, this seems unlikely to happen.
In the short term, I'll do a key a week to see if luck holds out enough to round out the items.
In the long term, WoW is struggling so much right now it's hard to think about even 9.2 in a hopeful way. Not overly interested in playing retribution, and lacking ways to properly spam keys to learn healing it's in the same waters as Demon Hunter currently is. Only nobody else in the guild currently plays DH much.
Other happenings
After the break (which lasted a reset and a half) I stopped raiding. And when I stopped raiding I stopped playing all my dps. And stopped caring about score (uninstalling RIO) or gear even. So I made myself redundant by saying I didn't want to dps keys, nor do over 15s anymore - so they would sort themselves out for all that stuff and I would stop putting on the breaks whenever someone wanted to push. Ironically this means I am both redundant and put on even more breaks when I am the only one they can get for keys....
The only other alt that is likely to do the goals for alts is Adagabo, doing reasonably well on gear at the moment but not having guild groups to break into 10s and higher has made it somewhat problematic. Especially since LFG is getting slower and slower.... After the break and the bot listing sale runs purge, it's very noticable how few lower keys are getting run - most are 15 and higher. So my routine of one key during lunch and one at night became a struggle. So in a month or two any new alts might have serious issues.
The guild has now reached 7/10 in heroic Sanctum. Didn't help with numbers that I stopped raiding either, but they have only cancelled once and killed 2 new bosses in 4 weeks despite that. But the raid team can't really handle several people not making it I suppose. Still think they will make do and get curve. But kinda wonder how many will start the raid next tier whenever that is...