We have actually switched characters now! Kris is druid and I'm priest! I was considering leveling my priest to get the nightfallen heritage armor. But when Kris said she wanted to do low dungeons with her newly 110 druid, I couldn't resist to get a boost and join her!
So we first did a heroic Cathedral, a mythic Arcway, then a +2 Neltharion's Lair, and then a +5 for the same dungeon. And it was great! The heoric one was actually the hardest to heal since people didn't know the tactics and had worse gear.
Today the disc priest got a heavy nerf to their damage. I knew it was too good to be true! I can kind of understand that a healer isn't supposed to be top dps in some fights, but just hope that our healing throughput will not suffer too much from it.
Tomorrow starts the battle for Lordaeron! I can't wait! Poor Undercity!