Let me present my new priest, Naltira! My first nightborne character. She started off with the name Smallpullplx. I thought it was funny when I created her, but it wasn't really a nice name to have. So I wanted to change it. I ended up calling her Naltira after the spider boss Nal'Tira in Arcway. I thought it was a fitting name for a nightborne.

I started out as shadow, but didn't like it that much. Maybe I'll like it more at max level. Today I tried to level as discipline instead. That was so much more fun! I feel pretty powerful while leveling, and can pull several mobs at the same time. Healing myself while damaging enemies. Don't have to be careful at all. I'm not sure what the plan for Naltira is. She will probably just be another alt that I can use for mount runs and such. She is now level 42.
