Wow, this week turned out better than I had dared to hope, and Krissie has ended up with a score of 1300. I improved my score on seven different dungeons this week.
We did actually get to do that Shrine-key, but before that I did two mythic pluses together with Divine Retribution. The first one we did was a +13 Kings' Rest, that we didn't do in time. We then did a +13 Snek, which we did in time (and Krissie's key upgraded to a +14 Underrot).
After that we got a guild group together, and went into Shrine of the Storm. Our previous best run in there, was a +12 where we had struggled a lot on the second boss. This time, we were prepared, and the run was actually quite smooth. We tried skipping the last trash pull before the first boss, but after engaging the boss, some area effect managed to pull that trash group as well, and we were fighting them and the boss at the same time, and as soon as the first trash mob died, we got reaping, but we managed to kill it all off.
The third boss was a bit worse. We have learned that when you are mind controlled, and there aren't enough balls to run through, you can go stand in the pool behind the boss, which does a lot of damage to you. Our mind controlled target was wearing a bubble at the time and did not take any damage from the pool, so she turned hostile in the end, and we decided to reset the boss. We are still not sure if the trick still works or if it has been fixed. Even though we didn't wipe, we lost some valuable time by resetting the fight, and we had to fight the boss without our major cooldowns.
The last boss, however, went down smoothly. We missed the timer by four lousy seconds. Four!!! It was such a good run.
I know that people generally hate Shrine of the Storm, so I want to thank my wonderful guildies for joining this run. I can't wait to do it again, on ever higher difficulty!
The weekly reset is less than two hours away. Although Krissie has completed tons of mythic pluses this past week, my alts haven't even done one each. Only my tank, Krissica, did a +2 and a +5, when we helped Ruthe's new shaman, so I am not expecting any gear upgrades, but Krissie is my main focus, so I'm fine with that.