I just couldn't resist. I created a new warlock. I did a small mythic plus run on the horde side with my warlock, Ruthe. And I really miss being a warlock. I named her after Yazma in Atal'Dazar. I really like naming my characters from dungeon bosses. It is fun meeting "myself", and it tells which expansion the character was created.
Since affliction is crap in dungeons these days, I decided to try out demonology. The only time I actually tried it out was to get the mage tower challenges appearances. Demo was the hardest warlock challenge for me since I didn't have a clue about what I was doing.
I really like it. It is super fun to do something new. Demo is very different from affliction. My only concern is that it is super hard to sneak passed mobs when you have an army of demons following you... And of course, the best demon pet does not have an interrupt. That kind of sucks.
I boosted her up from 9 to 110. It is nice doing the introduction quest where you actually become a werewolf.