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Castle Nathria Curve

Weeks after weeks of not getting down Denathrius, we were talking about how few signups there were for the next raid, and if we'll ever...

Wow art

Today I've been creative together with my kids. We made easter stuff, and I also had to create a picture of Ulveblomst in Ardenweald....

Weekly update

This is the week I realized that the fun part of Shadowlands might be over. The time when I looked forward to logging on. I still enjoy...

Alts and off-spec week

The only time I played balance druid this week was actually on 3 heroic raid bosses and one dungeon. Other than that, I've played mostly...

Healing and mount week

This week my most played spec was actually resto druid. I have to admit that I'm a tiny bit tired of playing the same content over and...

Keystone mastery season 1

We did it! Today we finished plaguefall and necrotic wake 15 in time. We also did de other side even though we had done it already. I...

Weekly update - Azralin lvl 60

This week I played up my shaman to level 60. I tried out both resto and elemental. I am ok with elemental, but need to learn how all the...

Progress week!

This week we had real progress. We managed to time 3 new 15s! That means that we have timed four out of eight dungeons on 15. So I really...

Healing and first 15 in time

This week we managed to do the first part of my main goal for season 1. We actually did a 15 in time! We have done a few 14s in time...

Weekly update

This week was dungeon week, so I prioritzed getting dungeons for both of my characters. On monday I had some dungeon plans that was...

Weekly update

Ulveblomst Ilvl 114/116 Covenant: Night Fae Rio: 960 (balance 960, resto 860, feral 50) Castle Nathria Shriekwing as balance Huntsman...

Ulveblomst weekly update

I've had a lot of fun playing the different specs of Ulveblomst this week! Status Ilvl: highest 212 Covenant: Night Fae Balance druid...

Spirestalker Ulveblomst

We cleared Torghast Twisting corridors yesterday! That gave us the cool mount that is usable in the Maw! Yay! Not that my druid needs it...

Ulveblomst spec update

I've updated my specs to have different transmogs and mounts. I went to zones fitting the spec and had photo shoots. Balance Lately I...

Ulveblomst in Shadowlands

Right now I'm very happy with my character, Ulveblomst. I main balance druid, and it is really good right now! The night fae ability is...

Cleared normal Castle Nathria

We cleared the whole Castle Nathria raid this sunday. I really enjoy most of the bosses there. The last one, Sire Denathrius is really...

Prideful and nerfs

Last week we actually managed to do 21(!) mythic pluses. We even did a 10 (although not in time). We saw the prideful affix for the first...

Week 3 with m+ and raid!

Wow, what a week! This was the third week of shadowlands. Mythic plus and Castle Nahtria raid opened for normal and heroic. We had plenty...

Blomst is back

After playing affliction through prepatch, and doing content the first week of Shadowlands, I realised that it was not what I wanted to...

Ready for Shadowlands

5 days to the Shadowlands release. I have finally landed on what to play. I will probably jump back and forth between these two...

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