9.1 week 4
This week I was on a vacation with my family for four days, so I didn't manage to do as much as last week. I prioritized to get some raid...
This week I was on a vacation with my family for four days, so I didn't manage to do as much as last week. I prioritized to get some raid...
My summer vacation started this week, and I have been having a cold, so I have spent a lot of my time in Shadowlands the last few days....
This week I had two goals. Increase my io score to 1.400 It took some tries, but I managed to end up at 1.404 score. The last run I had...
This week we finished the Glory of the Shadowlands hero achievements and got the mount! Some of us didn't complete all of them, so we...
We finally got it! The release date for the first content patch into Shadowlands! It happens the 30th june. I'm not too happy about the...
This week I was invited to dungeon achievement runs with guildies! Some of us failed 1 this week and some 2. So we have to try again next...
This week I played through the night fae campaign with Ruthe. Did some Torghast to try to farm the new companions. And got to renown 24....
I had a break of almost three weeks before I returned. Not sure if I'm fully back, or what will happen before the next patch comes out. I...
Tonight we had our last guild run in Castle Nathria. I have pugged the last boss, but never killed him (on heroic) with the guild. Even...
I was so hyped by the ptr notes for affliction, so I played my warlock this week. Started out as destruction. Doing kind of ok, but...
We're all waiting for the 9.1 patch now, since there is "nothing" left to do in the game. In the previous update affliction was gutted....
I must admit, I almost unsubbed this week. People in the guild are not too eager to do keys these days, and I had some really bad pugs....
Today I've been creative together with my kids. We made easter stuff, and I also had to create a picture of Ulveblomst in Ardenweald....
This is the week I realized that the fun part of Shadowlands might be over. The time when I looked forward to logging on. I still enjoy...
The only time I played balance druid this week was actually on 3 heroic raid bosses and one dungeon. Other than that, I've played mostly...
This week my most played spec was actually resto druid. I have to admit that I'm a tiny bit tired of playing the same content over and...
This week I played up my shaman to level 60. I tried out both resto and elemental. I am ok with elemental, but need to learn how all the...
This week we managed to do the first part of my main goal for season 1. We actually did a 15 in time! We have done a few 14s in time...
This week was dungeon week, so I prioritzed getting dungeons for both of my characters. On monday I had some dungeon plans that was...
Ulveblomst Ilvl 114/116 Covenant: Night Fae Rio: 960 (balance 960, resto 860, feral 50) Castle Nathria Shriekwing as balance Huntsman...